[HTML][HTML] Design, use, and effects of sex dolls and sex robots: Scoping review

N Döring, MR Mohseni, R Walter - Journal of medical Internet research, 2020 - jmir.org
Background Although sex toys representing human body parts are widely accepted and
normalized, human-like full-body sex dolls and sex robots have elicited highly controversial …

The self-reported sexual real-world consequences of sex doll use

JC Desbuleux, J Fuss - The Journal of Sex Research, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
It is a growing concern that the use of sex dolls and robots could affect human sexuality. This
concern has led to a ban of child-like sex dolls in several countries and a call to ban adult …

Do women perceive sex robots as threatening? The role of political views and presenting the robot as a female-vs male-friendly product

T Oleksy, A Wnuk - Computers in Human Behavior, 2021 - Elsevier
The development of sex robots has sparked numerous debates on the consequences of
their use in terms of human-technology relations, interpersonal relationships and changes in …

Designing a loving robot: A social construction analysis of a sex robot creator's vision

AM Masterson - Human-Machine Communication, 2022 - search.informit.org
In 2018, one of the world's first sex robots was released by CEO Matt McMullen and his
company, RealDoll. With artificial intelligence capabilities, the Harmony model is meant to …

Curiosity and other attitudes towards sex robots: Results of an online survey

M Brandon, N Shlykova… - Journal of Future Robot …, 2022 - content.iospress.com
As artificial intelligence and technology advance, mobile robots capable of human intimacy
are an inevitable consequence of this progress. Such a profound shift in sexual technology …

Constructing the meaning of humanoid sex robots

DG Johnson, M Verdicchio - International Journal of Social Robotics, 2020 - Springer
Humanoid sex robots seem to challenge the human–machine distinction because one way
to engage with them is to entertain the illusion that they are human and appropriate for …

There's more to humanity than meets the eye: Differences in gaze behavior toward women and gynoid robots

JM Szczuka, NC Krämer - Frontiers in Psychology, 2019 - frontiersin.org
Based on evolutionary psychological theories, numerous eye-tracking studies have
demonstrated how people visually perceive a potential mate in order to efficiently estimate …

[PDF][PDF] The psychology of robots and artificial intelligence

K Gray, KC Yam, AE Zhen'An… - The handbook of …, 2023 - deepestbeliefslab.com
The Psychology of Robots and Artificial Intelligence Kurt Gray,1 Kai Chi Yam,2 Alexander Eng
Zhen'An,2 Danica Wilbanks,1 Adam Wa Page 1 i The Psychology of Robots and Artificial …

Emotional, sexual and behavioral correlates of attitudes toward sex robots: Results of an online survey

M Brandon, JA Planke - Journal of Future Robot Life, 2021 - content.iospress.com
Understanding people's attitudes toward sex robots will be essential to facilitate this
technology's likely assimilation into human relationships in a way that maximizes benefit and …

Sexpuppen und Sexroboter aus psychologischer und therapeutischer Perspektive: Pathogene und salutogene Nutzungsmuster

N Döring - … und Sexroboter aus technischer, psychologischer und …, 2020 - Springer
Zusammenfassung Werden Sexroboter Glück, Lust und Zufriedenheit in der Gesellschaft
mehren oder werden sie zu Vereinsamung, Verrohung und Gewalt führen? Der vorliegende …