[HTML][HTML] Developing a definition of body neutrality and strategies for an intervention

ML Pellizzer, TD Wade - Body Image, 2023 - Elsevier
The aim of this study was to provide a definition for body neutrality and understand the key
strategies recommended to improve body neutrality for testing in future interventions. There …

[HTML][HTML] BoPo online, BoPo offline? Engagement with body positivity posts, positive appearance comments on social media, and adolescents' appearance-related …

N Kvardova, C Maes, L Vandenbosch - Computers in Human Behavior, 2025 - Elsevier
Encouraging prosocial tendencies toward others' physical appearance is crucial for
promoting a positive body image during adolescence. Social media content that highlights …

[HTML][HTML] Curating a body-positive feed? An attempt to mitigate the negative impacts of thin-ideal content on Instagram

S Graham, E Newell, JB Phillips, M Pritchard, D Scarf - Body Image, 2023 - Elsevier
Over the last decade, research has shown a negative relationship between social media use
and body image. For women, these adverse effects tend to result from viewing content that …

Yonder: Medical schools, nocturnal pain, alopecia areata, and# bodypositive

A Rashid - British Journal of General Practice, 2022 - bjgp.org
Like many other countries, the US faces a chronic shortage of primary care physicians that
negatively impacts population health and contributes to rising healthcare costs. This …

Núcleos temáticos y posicionamientos de usuarios digitales en torno al movimiento «Body Positive» en YouTube

VC Riquelme, AC Quevedo, KT Manríquez… - Revista Punto …, 2024 - puntocero.ucb.edu.bo
El objetivo de este estudio fue develar los núcleos temáticos y posicionamientos discursivos
de la comunidad de YouTube en torno al movimiento Body Positive. El estudio estuvo …

[PDF][PDF] Perceptions of Social Media Fitspiration Among Young Women: A Situational Analysis

J Morhun - 2023 - prism.ucalgary.ca
Fitspiration (ie, fitness inspiration) is a social media trend consisting of content intended to
inspire and motivate individuals to pursue a healthy lifestyle via diet and exercise. However …