High fidelity modeling of pellet-clad interaction using the CASL virtual environment for reactor applications
KT Clarno, RP Pawlowski… - … and Monte Carlo …, 2015 - inl.elsevierpure.com
The Tiamat code is being developed by CASL (Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light
Water Reactors) as an integrated tool for predicting pellet-clad interaction and improving the …
Water Reactors) as an integrated tool for predicting pellet-clad interaction and improving the …
PCI analysis of a commercial PWR using BISON fuel performance code
Through the early 2000's, nuclear fuel cladding failure resulting from pellet-cladding
interaction in commercial pressurized water reactor fuel was managed successfully by …
interaction in commercial pressurized water reactor fuel was managed successfully by …
Evaluation of missing pellet surface geometry on cladding stress distribution and magnitude
N Capps, R Montgomery, D Sunderland, M Pytel… - … Engineering and Design, 2016 - Elsevier
Missing pellet surface (MPS) defects are local geometric defects in nuclear fuel pellets that
result from pellet mishandling or manufacturing. The presence of MPS defects can cause …
result from pellet mishandling or manufacturing. The presence of MPS defects can cause …
PCI analysis of Zircaloy coated clad under LWR steady state and reactor startup operations using BISON fuel performance code
N Capps, A Mai, M Kennard, W Liu - Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2018 - Elsevier
Research following the earthquake and subsequent tsunami that devastated the Fukushima
Daiichi nuclear power plant, causing severe damage to the reactor cores, has led to the …
Daiichi nuclear power plant, causing severe damage to the reactor cores, has led to the …
Development and Application of 3-D Fuel Performance Modeling to Assess Missing Pellet Surface Influence on Pellet Clad Interaction and Clad Failure
NA Capps - 2016 - trace.tennessee.edu
In the late 1970s PCI related failures caused the implementation of startup ramp restrictions.
These ramp restrictions where intended to reduce the stresses caused by pellet cladding …
These ramp restrictions where intended to reduce the stresses caused by pellet cladding …
Fuel Performance Calculations for FeCrAl Cladding in BWRs
This study expands upon previous neutronics analyses of the reactivity impact of alternate
cladding concepts in boiling water reactor (BWR) cores and directs focus toward contrasting …
cladding concepts in boiling water reactor (BWR) cores and directs focus toward contrasting …
[PDF][PDF] Partnerships
OOCE Authority - Cell, 2011 - cfxway.com
In preparing this report, responsibility for accuracy of the data and the completeness and
fairness of the presentation, including all disclosures, rests with the management of the …
fairness of the presentation, including all disclosures, rests with the management of the …
[引用][C] Pellet-Cladding Mechanical Interaction Analyses Using VERA
BT Mervin, ML Pytel, D Hussey - 2015