[HTML][HTML] Socialized with" old cleavages" or" new dimensions": An Age-Period-Cohort analysis on electoral support in Western European multiparty systems (1949 …

R Mitteregger - Electoral Studies, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract Across Western Europe, the electoral base of formerly dominating parties on the left
and the right has been eroding in the past decades. In contrast, both far-right parties and …

[PDF][PDF] Cosmopolitan Cities Against Nationalist Hinterlands: The Group-Based Foundations of the Urban-Rural Divide

S Hegewald - 2024 - osf.io
Several recent studies have documented a return of the urban-rural divide in political
behavior. Building on a long tradition of group-based thinking in political science, one …

Socialism's legacy: the impact of political socialization on citizens' conceptions of democracy

L Stallbaum - Democratization, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Political culture literature asserts that congruence between the existing democratic system
and citizens' views and expectations of democracy is crucial for democratic stability …

The federal election 2021: Germany at the crossroads?

K Ackermann, M Elff, H Giebler - Electoral Studies, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract The German Federal Election 2021 has the potential to mark a crossroads in
German olitics. Not only the context, eg, Angela Merkel's exit from politics, but also the …

A gendered far-right wave among young voters in Western Europe?

T Abou-Chadi - European Journal of Politics and …, 2024 - bristoluniversitypressdigital.com
Following recent elections in Western Europe, one question has dominated many headlines:
why have young people turned to the far right? This trend surprised many observers …

Ost-und Westdeutsche für immer? Zu Wahrnehmungen von Unterschieden und Konflikten zwischen Ost-und Westdeutschen

S Mau, T Lux, J Heide - KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und …, 2024 - Springer
Zusammenfassung Die Unterschiede und Ungleichheiten zwischen Ost-und
Westdeutschland wurden nach der Deutschen Einheit als Übergangsstadium verstanden; …

[PDF][PDF] Crime and Urban Politics

J Alizade - 2024 - osf.io
Cities in advanced democracies are commonly portrayed as centers of cosmopolitanism and
electoral strongholds of the left. I argue that the issue of crime can reshape urban politics by …

[PDF][PDF] Changing Context, Changing Cohorts? An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis of Urban-Rural Differences

R Mitteregger, L Haffert - 2024 - researchgate.net
Conflicts about" place" are increasingly shaping the politics of advanced democracies and
scholars have noted that voters are ever more divided along the urban-rural divide …

[图书][B] Ett delat Sverige?: Om skillnader i livsvillkor, värderingar och åsikter mellan stad och land

R Öhrvall - 2023 - diva-portal.org
På flera håll i världen har en politisk polarisering mellan stad och landsbygd vuxit fram. Den
har bland annat tagit sig uttryck i form av en landsbygd med minskat förtroende för …

Cosmopolitan Cities Against Nationalist Hinterlands: The Return of the Urban-Rural Divide in European Politics

S Hegewald - 2024 - research-collection.ethz.ch
The urban-rural divide made a comeback to European politics. After a prolonged absence
from the study of political attitudes and behaviour, a burgeoning literature is documenting its …