Relative spins and excitation energies of superdeformed bands in : Further evidence for octupole vibration

B Crowell, MP Carpenter, RVF Janssens… - Physical Review C, 1995 - APS
An experiment using the Eurogam phase II γ-ray spectrometer confirms the existence of an
excited superdeformed (SD) band in Hg 190 and its very unusual decay into the lowest SD …

Garbage collecting the world: One car at a time

RL Hudson, R Morrison, JEB Moss… - Proceedings of the 12th …, 1997 -
A new garbage collection algorithm for distributed object systems, called DMOS (Distributed.
Mature Object Space), is presented. It is derived from two previous algorithms, MOS (Mature …

[PDF][PDF] Collecting distributed garbage cycles by back tracing

U Maheshwari, B Liskov - Proceedings of the sixteenth annual ACM …, 1997 -
Abstract Systems that store objects at a large number of sites require faulttolerant and timely
garbage collection. A popular technique is to trace each site independently using inter-site …

Asynchronous complete distributed garbage collection

L Veiga, P Ferreira - 19th IEEE International Parallel and …, 2005 -
Most distributed garbage collection (DGC) algorithms are not complete as they fail to reclaim
distributed cycles of garbage. Those that achieve such a level of completeness are very …

Distributed garbage collection for mobile actor systems: The pseudo root approach

WJ Wang, CA Varela - International Conference on Grid and Pervasive …, 2006 - Springer
Automatic distributed garbage collection (GC) gives abstraction to grid application
development, promoting code quality and improving resource management. Unreachability …

A construction of distributed reference counting

L Moreau, J Duprat - Acta Informatica, 2001 - Springer
Distributed reference counting is a general purpose technique, which may be used, eg, to
detect termination of distributed programs or to implement distributed garbage collection. We …

An implementation of complete, asynchronous, distributed garbage collection

F Le Fessant, I Piumarta, M Shapiro - Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN …, 1998 -
Most existing reference-based distributed object systems include some kind of acyclic
garbage collection, but fail to provide acceptable collection of cyclic garbage. Those that do …

Partitioned garbage collection of a large object store

U Maheshwari, B Liskov - ACM SIGMOD Record, 1997 -
We present new techniques for efficient garbage collection in a large persistent object store.
The store is divided into partitions that are collected independently using information about …

Cyclic distributed garbage collection with group merger

H Rodrigues, R Jones - ECOOP'98—Object-Oriented Programming: 12th …, 1998 - Springer
This paper presents a new algorithm for distributed garbage collection and outlines its
implementation within the Network Objects system. The algorithm is based on a reference …

Birrell's distributed reference listing revisited

L Moreau, P Dickman, R Jones - ACM Transactions on Programming …, 2005 -
The Java RMI collector is arguably the most widely used distributed garbage collector. Its
distributed reference listing algorithm was introduced by Birrell et al. in the context of …