Recent named entity recognition and classification techniques: a systematic review
Textual information is becoming available in abundance on the web, arising the requirement
of techniques and tools to extract the meaningful information. One of such an important …
of techniques and tools to extract the meaningful information. One of such an important …
[PDF][PDF] Exploiting morphology in Turkish named entity recognition system
R Yeniterzi - Proceedings of the ACL 2011 student session, 2011 -
Turkish is an agglutinative language with complex morphological structures, therefore using
only word forms is not enough for many computational tasks. In this paper we analyze the …
only word forms is not enough for many computational tasks. In this paper we analyze the …
Automatic rule learning exploiting morphological features for named entity recognition in Turkish
S Tatar, I Cicekli - Journal of Information Science, 2011 -
Named entity recognition (NER) is one of the basic tasks in automatic extraction of
information from natural language texts. In this paper, we describe an automatic rule …
information from natural language texts. In this paper, we describe an automatic rule …
Turkish named entity recognition with deep learning
Named Entity Recognition (NER) is an important task in Natural Language Processing, Data
Mining and Information Extraction areas since 1990's. While NER is a succesfully solved …
Mining and Information Extraction areas since 1990's. While NER is a succesfully solved …
Fikir Madenciliği ve Duygu Analizi, Yaklaşimlar, Yöntemler Üzerine Bir Araştirma
B Özyurt, MA Akcayol - Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim ve …, 2018 -
Günümüzde Web uygulamalarının yaygınlaşmasıyla birlikte bireylerin fikir, düşünce ve
duygularını ifade ettikleri platformların kullanımı büyük bir hızla artmıştır. Bu platformlarda …
duygularını ifade ettikleri platformların kullanımı büyük bir hızla artmıştır. Bu platformlarda …
[PDF][PDF] Extending a CRF-based named entity recognition model for Turkish well formed text and user generated content.
GA Seker, G Eryigit - Semantic Web, 2017 -
Named entity recognition (NER), which provides useful information for many high level NLP
applications and semantic web technologies, is a well-studied topic for most of the …
applications and semantic web technologies, is a well-studied topic for most of the …
Stance detection on tweets: An svm-based approach
Stance detection is a subproblem of sentiment analysis where the stance of the author of a
piece of natural language text for a particular target (either explicitly stated in the text or not) …
piece of natural language text for a particular target (either explicitly stated in the text or not) …
Experiments to improve named entity recognition on Turkish tweets
D Küçük, R Steinberger - arXiv preprint arXiv:1410.8668, 2014 -
Social media texts are significant information sources for several application areas including
trend analysis, event monitoring, and opinion mining. Unfortunately, existing solutions for …
trend analysis, event monitoring, and opinion mining. Unfortunately, existing solutions for …
TMD-NER: Turkish multi-domain named entity recognition for informal texts
We examine named entity recognition (NER), an essential and commonly used first step in
many natural language processing tasks, including chatbots and language translation. We …
many natural language processing tasks, including chatbots and language translation. We …
[PDF][PDF] Named entity recognition in estonian
A Tkachenko, T Petmanson, S Laur - Proceedings of the 4th …, 2013 -
Abstract The task of Named Entity Recognition (NER) is to identify in text predefined units of
information such as person names, organizations and locations. In this work, we address the …
information such as person names, organizations and locations. In this work, we address the …