Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Ketidaklengkapan Dokumentasi Asuhan Keperawatan di Ruang Rawat Inap

A Anila, H Kusumajaya… - Jurnal …, 2023 - jurnal.globalhealthsciencegroup …
Pendokumentasian keperawatan merupakan kegiatan pencatatan dan pelaporan yang
sangat penting dilakukan oleh perawat, karena pelayanan asuhan keperawatan yang …

[PDF][PDF] Konsep Dasar Pengkajian Dan Pemeriksaan Fisik Dalam Sistem Perkemihan

SY Mataram - … Sistem Perkemihan Berbasis SDKI, SLKI dan …, 2022 - repo.akperngawi.ac.id
Pengkajian merupakan tahap pertama dalam proses keperawatan yang sangat penting
untuk dilakukan. Ketepatan dalam melakukan pengkajian akan menentukan ketepatan …

The Role of Brand Recall on Brand Performance of Beauty Products

S Guilermo - Journal of Current Research in Business and …, 2024 - jcrbe.org
During peak periods, it is possible that the services provided by producers are very minimal,
for example speeding up service times in order to serve as many customers as possible …

Service Excellent and Performance Management in Healthcare Industry

S Theodore - Journal of Current Research in Business and …, 2024 - jcrbe.org
Services in general are intangible and cannot be fully owned by consumers. If not controlled,
this can have a negative impact on the company, because many customers feel dissatisfied …

Service Excellent and How It Works in Private Banking Industry

N Tudescu - Journal of Current Research in Business and …, 2024 - jcrbe.org
High consumer value creates customer loyalty. This is the basis for consumers to be able to
buy products or services from the same place repeatedly and not switch to other competing …

The Role of Digital Platform on Data Processing in Banking Industry

M Sorensen - Journal of Current Research in Business and …, 2024 - jcrbe.org
During peak periods, it is possible that the services provided by producers are very minimal,
for example speeding up service times in order to serve as many customers as possible …

The Influence of Technology Adoption On Repurchase Intention Clothing Products

B Gaskin - Journal of Current Research in Business and …, 2024 - jcrbe.org
However, in the business world, it is not enough to be in this position, we have to be
competitive and number one, and one way to win the competition is to improve service …


P Patimah, G Rahman, B Badar - Aspiration of Health Journal, 2023 - ejournal.itka.ac.id
Perawat memiliki peran penting dalam menjalankan program imunisasi, tentunya dalam hal
ini didukung dengan pengetahuan yang dimiliki tentang penatalaksanaan imunisasi di …

Intervensi Keperawatan Batuk Efektif dan Inhalasi dalam Mengatasi Kegawatan Primary Survey Airway Tidak Efektif pada Pasien Tuberkulosis Paru di IGD RSUD …

OO Saragih - 2023 - repository.uki.ac.id
Kegawatdaruratan pasien Tuberkulosis Paru ialah kondisi adanya penumpukan benda
asing di saluran pernapasan oleh virus mycobacterium yang berakibat sulit bernapas …

Aplikasi Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit Gigi Berbasis Website Menggunakan Metode Teorema Bayes

BA Saputra, B Sutomo, TA Saputri - Bulletin of Network Engineer and Informatics - neliti.com
Gigi adalah bagian kecil yang terdapat di rahang atas atau bawah. Setiap gigi tertanam di
dalam gusi, akarnya menembus garis gusi dan masuk ke tulang rahang. Jika di total jumlah …