Evaluating welfare reform in the United States

RM Blank - Journal of Economic Literature, 2002 - aeaweb.org
This paper reviews the economic literature on welfare reform over the 1990s. A brief
summary of the policy changes is followed by a discussion of the methodological techniques …

Welfare reform: How do we measure success?

DT Lichter, R Jayakody - Annual review of sociology, 2002 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract This paper evaluates a burgeoning literature on the effects of the 1996 welfare
reform bill. Our goal is to shift the debate from the current preoccupation with declining …

[图书][B] The new welfare bureaucrats: Entanglements of race, class, and policy reform

C Watkins-Hayes - 2019 - degruyter.com
As the recession worsens, more and more Americans must turn to welfare to make ends
meet. Once inside the agency, the newly jobless will face a bureaucracy that has undergone …

[图书][B] Rich democracies, poor people: How politics explain poverty

D Brady - 2009 - books.google.com
Poverty is not simply the result of an individual's characteristics, behaviors or abilities.
Rather, as David Brady demonstrates, poverty is the result of politics. In Rich Democracies …

The effects of time limits, the EITC, and other policy changes on welfare use, work, and income among female-headed families

J Grogger - Review of Economics and statistics, 2003 - direct.mit.edu
Of all of the welfare reforms that were implemented during the 1990s, time limits may
represent the single greatest break from past policy. This paper expands on what is known …

The more things change, the more they stay the same? The safety net and poverty in the Great Recession

M Bitler, H Hoynes - Journal of Labor Economics, 2016 - journals.uchicago.edu
Much attention has been given to the large increases in safety net spending during the Great
Recession. We examine the relationship between poverty, the safety net, and business …

What has welfare reform accomplished? Impacts on welfare participation, employment, income, poverty, and family structure

RF Schoeni, RM Blank - 2000 - nber.org
This paper evaluates the effectiveness of recent welfare reforms, investigating the effects of
both state-specific waivers in the early 1990s and the 1996 federal reform legislation. Unlike …

Temporary assistance for needy families

JP Ziliak - Economics of Means-Tested Transfer Programs in the …, 2015 - degruyter.com
The provision of public assistance to families with children in America faced a watershed
moment with the passage of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity …

Explaining recent declines in food stamp program participation [with comments]

J Currie, J Grogger, G Burtless, RF Schoeni - Brookings-Wharton papers on …, 2001 - JSTOR
Background The FSP began as a small pilot program in 1961 but had become a national
program by 1974.5 In contrast to the rules for cash welfare receipt under the old AFDC (Aid …

Refugee benefit cuts

C Dustmann, R Landersø… - … Journal: Economic Policy, 2024 - pubs.aeaweb.org
This paper analyzes the effects of Denmark's Start Aid welfare reform that targets refugees.
Implemented in 2002, it enables us to study not only the reform's immediate effects but also …