A Nazir, MJ Sheikh, X Zhou, A Humayoon… - JAPS: Journal of …, 2018 - thejaps.org.pk
Agricultural risks potentially decelerate the growth of a country and augment poverty level.
For understanding farmers' risk behavior and strategies to cope up possible related risks, the …

Impact of institutional features on the overall performance assessment of participatory irrigation management: Farmers' response from Pakistan

B Ahmad, HD Pham, M Ashfaq, JA Memon, R Bano… - Water, 2020 - mdpi.com
The basic objective of the irrigation reforms, ie, participatory irrigation management in
Pakistan, was a better economic and financial management of irrigation service delivery …

[PDF][PDF] Farmers' participation, social capital and benefits in water management, Sindh Province of Pakistan

MJ Sheikh - University Putra Malaysia, Selangor, 2015 - psasir.upm.edu.my
The introduction chapter portrays the background of the study, identifies the problem, raises
research questions, aligns with the objectives of the study, illustrates theoretical framework …

Factors influencing equity in farmer-managed irrigation distribution in Sindh, Pakistan

JA MEMON, FM MARI - International Journal of Environmental and …, 2014 - jstage.jst.go.jp
Equitable distribution of irrigation has been one of the most compelling justification for
irrigation management reforms in many countries. Policy response to such need in Pakistan …

[PDF][PDF] Attributes of farmers' willingness in participatory irrigation infrastructure management

MA Soomro, TA Soomro - Proc., Creative …, 2018 - 2018.creative-construction …
Pakistan is agro-based economy. Agriculture in Pakistan relies upon a vast network of
canals that is said to be the world's largest contiguous irrigation system. However, over a …