The role of neuroimmune signaling in alcoholism

FT Crews, CJ Lawrimore, TJ Walter, LG Coleman Jr - Neuropharmacology, 2017 - Elsevier
Alcohol consumption and stress increase brain levels of known innate immune signaling
molecules. Microglia, the innate immune cells of the brain, and neurons respond to alcohol …

Attentional bias in addictive behaviors: a review of its development, causes, and consequences

M Field, WM Cox - Drug and alcohol dependence, 2008 - Elsevier
A wealth of research from the past two decades shows that addictive behaviors are
characterized by attentional biases for substance-related stimuli. We review the relevant …


王妍, 罗跃嘉 - 2005 -
目的: 建立大学生面孔表情材料系统. 方法: 采集在校大学生的7 种情绪面孔图片, 首先由4
名评分者对情绪面孔进行类别的初次评定, 选取评价一致的图片, 再由60 名评分者对其进行类别 …

Impulsivity, frontal lobes and risk for addiction

FT Crews, CA Boettiger - Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2009 - Elsevier
Alcohol and substance abuse disorders involve continued use of substances despite
negative consequences, ie loss of behavioral control of drug use. The frontal-cortical areas …

Adolescent cortical development: a critical period of vulnerability for addiction

F Crews, J He, C Hodge - Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2007 - Elsevier
Cortical growth and remodeling continues from birth through youth and adolescence to
stable adult levels changing slowly into senescence. There are critical periods of cortical …

Alcohol: effects on neurobehavioral functions and the brain

M Oscar-Berman, K Marinković - Neuropsychology review, 2007 - Springer
Alcoholism results from an interplay between genetic and environmental factors, and is
linked to brain defects and associated cognitive, emotional, and behavioral impairments. A …

Emotional processing and social cognition in alcohol use disorder.

AP Le Berre - Neuropsychology, 2019 -
Objective: To review deficits in emotional processing and social cognition potentially
contributing to the dysfunctional emotion regulation and difficulties with interpersonal …

Emotional intelligence and addictions: a systematic review

B Kun, Z Demetrovics - Substance use & misuse, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Since the millennium, an expanding number of research articles have examined the
relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and physical and mental health. The …

A somatic marker theory of addiction

A Verdejo-García, A Bechara - Neuropharmacology, 2009 - Elsevier
Similar to patients with ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPC) lesions, substance abusers
show altered decision-making, characterized by a tendency to choose the immediate …

Binge drinking, cognitive performance and mood in a population of young social drinkers

JM Townshend, T Duka - Alcoholism: Clinical and experimental …, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
Background: Binge drinking may lead to brain damage and have implications for the
development of alcohol dependence. The aims of the present study were to determine …