Diversify or concentrate: The impact of customer concentration on corporate social responsibility

M Zhu, ACL Yeung, H Zhou - International Journal of Production Economics, 2021 - Elsevier
Previous studies on the impact of customer concentration on firm-level outcomes mainly
focus on financial and operational variables, and the influence of a concentrated customer …

Corporate environmental information disclosure and stock price crash risk: Evidence from Chinese listed heavily polluting companies

Z Zhang, Z Su, K Wang, Y Zhang - Energy Economics, 2022 - Elsevier
Environmental performance has gained great prominence for firms in recent years. This
paper examines the effect of corporate environmental information disclosure on stock price …

A review of China's institutions

F Allen, JQJ Qian, M Qian - Annual Review of Financial …, 2019 - annualreviews.org
The spectacular economic growth in China during the past four decades has inspired a
great deal of research to understand China's unconventional growth path. This review …

Divergence of sentiment and stock market trading

A Siganos, E Vagenas-Nanos… - Journal of Banking & …, 2017 - Elsevier
This paper introduces the concept of divergence of sentiment to the behavioral finance
literature. We measure the distance between people with positive and negative sentiment on …

Corporate transparency and firm value: Does market competition play an external governance role?

C Liu, Q Li, YE Lin - Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics, 2023 - Elsevier
We investigate whether market competition affects the relationship between corporate
transparency and firm value in the United States using a sample of 12,665 firm-year …

Alternative governance and corporate financial fraud in transition economies: Evidence from China

DW Yiu, WP Wan, Y Xu - Journal of Management, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
How corporate governance mechanisms function in transition economies is a key topic for
corporate governance researchers and policy makers. We propose that alternative …

Asymmetric response to earnings news across different sentiment states: The role of cognitive dissonance

Z Li, F Wen, ZJ Huang - Journal of Corporate Finance, 2023 - Elsevier
Using the Chinese stock market data, we test the hypothesis that cognitive dissonance
influences the stock market response to earnings news. Supporting this notion, we find that …

Tax incentives and maturity mismatch between investment and financing: Evidence from China

Q Feng, L Zhao, M Xu - China & World Economy, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
This paper examines the effects of China's accelerated depreciation policy (ADP) on the
maturity mismatch between investment and financing. Using panel data for China's A‐share …

Corporate governance and investment decisions of retail investors in equity: do group affiliation and firm age matter?

D Chakraborty, N Gupta, J Mahakud… - Managerial Auditing …, 2023 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of corporate governance (CG)
on the shareholding level of retail investors in Indian listed firms. Design/methodology …

A decision support system using signals from social media and news to predict cryptocurrency prices

H Subramanian, P Angle, F Rouxelin, Z Zhang - Decision Support Systems, 2024 - Elsevier
We design, implement, and evaluate a decision support system that combines fine-grained
signals derived from news and social media with bitcoin prices using a Long Short-Term …