Quantitative DevSecOps Metrics for Cloud-Based Web Microservices

JY Zhang, Y Zhang - IEEE Access, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The widespread adoption of Cloud-Based Web Microservices (CBWMs) and DevSecOps
(Development, Security, and Operations) methodologies has significantly improved modern …

[HTML][HTML] Sustainability in Industry 4.0: Edge Computing Microservices as a New Approach

LC Santos, MLP da Silva, SG dos Santos Filho - Sustainability, 2024 - mdpi.com
The importance of the electronics sector in the modern world is unquestionable, as it
demonstrates clean technology, dry processes, and efficient design, which favor Industry 4.0 …

Microservices a Definition Analyzed by {\ss} MACH

M Hilbrich, N De Mecquenem - arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.14251, 2024 - arxiv.org
Managing software artifacts is one of the most essential aspects of computer science. It
enables to develop, operate, and maintain software in an engineer-like manner. Therefore …

Kollaborative Annotationen und die Persistierung durch Snapshots in einer 3D Software Visualisierung

P Wulff - 2024 - oceanrep.geomar.de
Entwickler verbringen viel Zeit mit dem Verstehen von existierender Software, weshalb
Software-Verständnis wichtig für die Softwareentwicklung ist. Zur Unterstützung für …

Persistierung und Teilen von Ansichten einer 3D Software Visualisierung

J Brehme - 2024 - oceanrep.geomar.de
Moderne Softwaresysteme entwickeln sich kontinuierlich weiter und werden dabei immer
komplexer. Folglich werden auch die Wartung und Erweiterung der Software solcher …

Are Workflows a Language to Solve Software Management Challenges?–A ßMACH Based Analysis

M Hilbrich, V Bountris - New Trends in Intelligent Software …, 2022 - ebooks.iospress.nl
A language in computer science is not just a tool, the language defines essential aspects of
the software management process. The language determines persons/actors/roles in the …

An Approach based on IoT, MQTT and Docker to Distribute and Persist Data of an Automated AMBU Ventilator

N de JS Junior, HDP de Souza… - … on Control, Decision …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
With the increasing number of Internet of Things-based systems, some communication
protocols have gained prominence in standardizing certain applications. In this work, an …

[PDF][PDF] Hardware Dimensioning for Microservice Applications in Cyber-Physical Systems: Current Directions and Challenges

M Vollaard - Literature Study, UvA/VU - akesson.nl
With the rise of large-scale web applications, microservices were introduced as an
alternative to monolithic systems. Microservices provide scalability, agile development, and …

Navigating Serverless and Microservices: Concise Guide

H Aljawawdeh, S Abuezhayeh, A Alnatsheh… - … Intelligence, Internet of …, 2023 - Springer
The rapid evolution of software development practices has led to the emergence of
serverless and microservices architectures. These modern approaches offer various …

Creating Electric Vehicle Charging Simulation with SimCES Platform

A Mehraj - 2023 - trepo.tuni.fi
The global number of electric vehicles (EV) is on a continuous rise, alongside the need for
an optimal electric vehicle charging solution. One of the effective approaches for discovering …