Tradition and ownership: Disputes about Karelian laments in Finland
V Silvonen, K Kallio - Approaching Religion, 2023 -
A new dispute about the ownership of Karelian laments emerged in Finland in 2021. The
severely endangered Karelian language is the closest relative of Finnish. Karelian laments …
severely endangered Karelian language is the closest relative of Finnish. Karelian laments …
[PDF][PDF] Tradition and ownership
V Silvonen, K Kallio - 2023 -
The severely endangered Karelian language is the closest relative of Finnish. Karelian
laments were brought into new Finnish contexts during the late twentieth century by Finnish …
laments were brought into new Finnish contexts during the late twentieth century by Finnish …
Tradition and ownership
K Kallio, V Silvonen - 2023 -
A new dispute about the ownership of Karelian laments emerged in Finland in 2021. The
severely endangered Karelian language is the closest relative of Finnish. Karelian laments …
severely endangered Karelian language is the closest relative of Finnish. Karelian laments …
[PDF][PDF] Ikäihmisten mielen hyvinvointi arjessa: Luova muistelutyö, Green Care ja ääni-itku mielen hyvinvoinnin työvälineinä
A Ruokolainen, R Talvio - 2021 -
Toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kehittää ToriKievarin ryhmätoimintaa.
Tavoitteena oli ikäihmisten mielen hyvinvoinnin tukeminen arjessa. Opinnäytetyön …
Tavoitteena oli ikäihmisten mielen hyvinvoinnin tukeminen arjessa. Opinnäytetyön …
[PDF][PDF] 2. Genres as Real Kinds and Projections
T Kokkonen, I Koskinen - enre–Text– -
There are several possible ways of classifying the products of human culture, for example as
texts, oral stories, movies, or songs. Genreclassification is a type of classification that aims to …
texts, oral stories, movies, or songs. Genreclassification is a type of classification that aims to …