A new approach for inspection of selected geometric parameters of a railway track using image-based point clouds

G Gabara, P Sawicki - Sensors, 2018 - mdpi.com
The paper presents the results of testing a proposed image-based point clouds measuring
method for geometric parameters determination of a railway track. The study was performed …

CRBeDaSet: A benchmark dataset for high accuracy close range 3D object reconstruction

G Gabara, P Sawicki - Remote Sensing, 2023 - mdpi.com
This paper presents the CRBeDaSet—a new benchmark dataset designed for evaluating
close range, image-based 3D modeling and reconstruction techniques, and the first …

Multi-variant accuracy evaluation of uav imaging surveys: A case study on investment area

G Gabara, P Sawicki - Sensors, 2019 - mdpi.com
The main focus of the presented study is a multi-variant accuracy assessment of a
photogrammetric 2D and 3D data collection, whose accuracy meets the appropriate …

Determination of cloud-top height through three-dimensional cloud reconstruction using DIWATA-1 data

E Castro, T Ishida, Y Takahashi, H Kubota, GJ Perez… - Scientific reports, 2020 - nature.com
Cloud-top height is a useful parameter with which to elucidate cloud vertical growth, which
often indicates severe weather such as torrential rainfall and thunderstorms; it is widely used …

Continuous point cloud stitch based on image feature matching constraint and score

F Hu, Y Li, M Feng - IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Continuous point cloud stitching provides accurate and rapid environmental information for
mapping, which plays an essential role in autonomous vehicles. Many methods related to …

Application of UAV Imagery for Inventory Mapping–A Case of Industrial Estate

G Gabara, P Sawicki - 2018 Baltic Geodetic Congress (BGC …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The paper presents the results of the accuracy assessment of UAV/UAS imagery and digital
processing for inventory mapping. The test object was an industrial estate in the Stryków …

[PDF][PDF] Assessing the Influence of Image Network and Image Texture on the Quality of 3D Point Cloud Production in Close-Range Photogrammetry

R Naeimaei, EG Parmehr - 2023 - sid.ir
Archive of SID.ir Archive of SID.ir Page 1 ORIGINAL RESEARCH PAPER Assessing the
Influence of Image Network and Image Texture on the Quality of 3D Point Cloud Production in …

Non-invasive crater measurement with photogrammetry techniques

P Planelles Gironés - 2022 - riunet.upv.es
[ES] El estudio de los fenómenos aerodinámicos y de dinámica granular que ocurren
durante el aterrizaje propulsor de una nave espacial en una superficie planetaria es de vital …