[图书][B] The social and applied psychology of music
A North, D Hargreaves - 2008 - books.google.com
Music is so ubiquitous that it can be easy to overlook the powerful influence it exerts in so
many areas of our lives-from birth, through childhood, to old age. The Social and Applied …
many areas of our lives-from birth, through childhood, to old age. The Social and Applied …
“What's your definition of dirty, baby?”: Sex in music video
J Andsager, K Roe - Sexuality and culture, 2003 - Springer
As sexuality in music video becomes more intense and more frequent, it requires more
attention by scholars. This essay summarizes the findings of two decades' worth of research …
attention by scholars. This essay summarizes the findings of two decades' worth of research …
Spirituality in advertising: A new theoretical approach
G Marmor-Lavie, PA Stout, WN Lee - Journal of Media and Religion, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
Current directions in advertising practice point to the use of more spiritual themes in
advertising. Yet the concept of spirituality has not received enough attention in advertising …
advertising. Yet the concept of spirituality has not received enough attention in advertising …
Point of view in picture books and animated film adaptations: Informing critical multimodal comprehension and composition pedagogy
L Unsworth - Critical multimodal studies of popular discourse, 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
Popular culture for children is increasingly characterized by a digital multimedia dimension.
One highly visible example is the adoption, adaptation, and reversioning of stories from …
One highly visible example is the adoption, adaptation, and reversioning of stories from …
Created in whose image? Religious characters on network television
SH Clarke - Journal of Media and Religion, 2005 - Taylor & Francis
Thirty-nine dramas and comedies from 7 networks broadcast September 23 to 29, 2002,
were analyzed for the appearance of religious characters. Results suggest that TV …
were analyzed for the appearance of religious characters. Results suggest that TV …
Media and religion
PA Soukup - 2002 - scholarcommons.scu.edu
This survey will examine three broad strands of communication research on media and
religion. First, it will review some emerging frameworks for studying media and religion and …
religion. First, it will review some emerging frameworks for studying media and religion and …
Portrayal of religion in reality TV programming: Hegemony and the contemporary American wedding
E Engstrom, B Semic - Journal of Media and Religion, 2003 - Taylor & Francis
We examined the treatment of religion in reality TV programming, namely The Learning
Channel's A Wedding Story, by conducting a content analysis of 85 recently aired episodes …
Channel's A Wedding Story, by conducting a content analysis of 85 recently aired episodes …
[PDF][PDF] Videoclips und Musikfernsehen
K Neumann-Braun, L Mikos - … Kommentierung der aktuellen …, 2006 - staging.lfm-nrw.de
Vor fast 25 Jahren wurde ein neues Fernsehgenre geboren: Am 1. August 1981 ging der
Musikfernsehsender MTV auf Sendung. 2001 feierte er seinen 20. Geburtstag. Mit ihm …
Musikfernsehsender MTV auf Sendung. 2001 feierte er seinen 20. Geburtstag. Mit ihm …
[PDF][PDF] Determinants of music preference
T Schäfer - 2008 - d-nb.info
Musik begleitet uns seit vielen Jahrtausenden und ist ein Teil der menschlichen
Entwicklungsgeschichte. Mehr über den Ursprung und die Bedeutung von Musik zu wissen …
Entwicklungsgeschichte. Mehr über den Ursprung und die Bedeutung von Musik zu wissen …
A multimodal analysis of the environment beat in a music video
CD Maier, JL Cross - Critical multimodal studies of popular …, 2014 - books.google.com
The global impact of demanding environmental concerns is visible in almost all contexts of
contemporary communication and across geographical borders. An increasing range of …
contemporary communication and across geographical borders. An increasing range of …