Superharmonic injection-locked frequency dividers

HR Rategh, TH Lee - IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 1999 -
Injection-locked oscillators (ILOs) are investigated in a new theoretical approach. A first-
order differential equation is derived for the noise dynamics of ILOs. A single-ended injection …

A unified model for injection-locked frequency dividers

S Verma, HR Rategh, TH Lee - IEEE Journal of Solid-State …, 2003 -
Injection-locked frequency dividers (ILFDs) are versatile analog circuit blocks used, for
example, within phase-locked loops (PLLs). An important attribute is substantially lower …

Phase noise in the regenerative frequency dividers

E Rubiola, M Olivier… - IEEE transactions on …, 1992 -
The authors report on a theoretical analysis of the phase noise in regenerative dividers, and
provide design rules for the best spectral unity. The spectral purity is, in fact, the reason why …

[图书][B] Multi-GHz frequency synthesis & division: frequency synthesizer design for 5 GHz wireless LAN systems

HR Rategh, TH Lee - 2007 -
In the past 10 years extensive effort has been dedicated to commercial wireless local area
network (WLAN) systems. Despite all these efforts, however, none of the existing systems …

A 0.35-mW 70-GHz Self-Resonant E-TSPC Frequency Divider With Backgate Adjustment

Z Tibenszky, M Kreißig, C Carta… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2022 -
This research work presents the analysis, design, and characterization of a concept for an
mm-wave divide-by-4 frequency divider utilizing an extended true single-phase clock (E …

Low-noise X-band oscillator and amplifier technologies: Comparison and status

DA Howe, A Hati - Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International …, 2005 -
This study compares the phase noise of different classes of oscillators and amplifiers that
work at X-band. Best-in-class results are presented based on recent measurements at NIST …

Phase noise performance of analog frequency dividers

MM Driscoll - IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics …, 1990 -
The phase noise performance obtainable using silicon and GaAs-based TTL (transistor-
transistor logic) and ECL (emitter-coupled logic) logic level digital frequency dividers is …

Spectral performance of frequency multipliers and dividers

MM Driscoll, TD Merrell - … of the 1992 IEEE Frequency Control …, 1992 -
A review of phase noise performance data for frequency multiplier (transistor and step-
recovery diode impulse generator, and diode and transistor full-wave rectifier doubler) …

Microwave regenerative frequency dividers with low phase noise

ES Ferre-Pikal, FL Walls - IEEE transactions on ultrasonics …, 1999 -
We demonstrate regenerative divide-by-two (halver) circuits with very low phase modulation
(PM) noise at input frequencies of 18.4 GHz and 39.8 GHz. The PM noise of the 18.4 to 9.2 …

On the dynamics of regenerative frequency dividers

A Safarian, S Anand, P Heydari - IEEE Transactions on Circuits …, 2006 -
A comprehensive analytical study of regenerative frequency dividers (RFD) is presented.
The study includes two fundamental modes of operation in RFDs, namely locked (or stable) …