Anthropogenic causes of jellyfish blooms and their direct consequences for humans: a review

JE Purcell, S Uye, WT Lo - Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2007 -
Although recent articles state that jellyfish populations are increasing, most available
evidence shows that jellyfish abundances fluctuate with climatic cycles. Reports of …

Jellyfish and ctenophore blooms coincide with human proliferations and environmental perturbations

JE Purcell - Annual review of marine science, 2012 -
Human populations have been concentrated along and exploiting the coastal zones for
millennia. Of regions with the highest human impacts on the oceans, 6 of the top 10 have …

Jellyfish blooms: are populations increasing globally in response to changing ocean conditions?

CE Mills - Hydrobiologia, 2001 - Springer
By the pulsed nature of their life cycles, gelatinous zooplankton come and go seasonally,
giving rise in even the most undisturbed circumstances to summer blooms. Even …

Interactions of pelagic cnidarians and ctenophores with fish: a review

JE Purcell, MN Arai - Hydrobiologia, 2001 - Springer
Medusae, siphonophores and ctenophores (here grouped aspelagic coelenterates') interact
with fish in several ways. Some interactions are detrimental to fish populations, such as …

Climate effects on formation of jellyfish and ctenophore blooms: a review

JE Purcell - Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the …, 2005 -
Much speculation and some evidence suggest that jellyfish and ctenophore populations
have increased in recent decades. Unfortunately, few past records exist with which to …

Increases in jellyfish biomass in the Bering Sea: implications for the ecosystem

RD Brodeur, H Sugisaki, GL Hunt Jr - Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2002 -
There has been a dramatic increase in jellyfish biomass over the eastern Bering Sea shelf
since the early 1990s, which was previously hypothesized to have been triggered by …

The ctenophore Mnemiopsis in native and exotic habitats: US estuaries versus the Black Sea basin

JE Purcell, TA Shiganova, MB Decker, ED Houde - Hydrobiologia, 2001 - Springer
The native habitats of the ctenophore, Mnemiopsis, are temperate to subtropical estuaries
along the Atlantic coast of North and South America, where it is found in an extremely wide …

Pelagic coelenterates and eutrophication: a review

MN Arai - Hydrobiologia, 2001 - Springer
Although eutrophication is a widespread problem in marine waters, its effects are often
difficult to separate from normal fluctuations of pelagic coelenterate populations and from …

[PDF][PDF] Jellyfish population explosions: revisiting a hypothesis of possible causes

TR Parsons, CM Lalli - La mer, 2002 -
A hypothesis is discussed that relates the production of large blooms of jellyfish (medusae
and/or ctenophores) to specific food chains in the sea that are based on the production of …

Pelagia noctiluca in the Mediterranean Sea

A Canepa, V Fuentes, A Sabatés, S Piraino, F Boero… - Jellyfish blooms, 2014 - Springer
Over recent decades, man's expanding influence on the oceans has begun to cause change
in some regions, including in the Mediterranean Sea. New proliferations of jellyfish may be …