Expert system diagnose tuberculosis using Bayes theorem method and Shafer Dempster method

D Leman - 2018 6th International Conference on Cyber and IT …, 2018 -
Pulmonary Tuberculosis is a disease that should be recognized and alerted early on by
everyone. Pulmonary tuberculosis is a dangerous infectious disease caused by the …

Similar text sebagai Pengkodean Aplikasi Plagiarisme

M Wali, S Safrizal - Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi …, 2018 -
This research is intended to make a coding technique with a function similar to a plagiarism
detector similar_text as text. By using the text function is similar, this research resulted in a …

Combination of cosine similarity method and conditional probability for plagiarism detection in the thesis documents vector space model

R Saptono, H Prasetyo, A Irawan - Journal of Telecommunication …, 2018 -
Plagiarism is one of negative impact derived from the internet growth. It can take place in
various place, one of the examples is higher education environment. Plagiarism can cause …

Sistem penilaian esai otomatis pada e-learning dengan algoritma winnowing

S Astutik, AD Cahyani, MK Sophan - Jurnal Informatika, 2014 -
Ujian esai merupakan evaluasi pembelajaran dalam bentuk soal esai yang mempunyai
jawaban lebih bervariasi dibandingkan soal pilihan ganda. Variasi jawaban tersebut …

Plagiarism detection using manber and winnowing algorithm

M Faisal, F Nugroho… - International …, 2020 -
Plagiarism is a copy of the essay or opinion of others and does not list the written references,
and makes it his own essay or opinion. There are several algorithms that have the ability to …

Aplikasi Pengecekan Dokumen Digital Tugas Mahasiswa Berbasis Website

L Hermawan, MB Ismiati - Jurnal Buana Informatika, 2020 -
Sekarang teknologi tidak hanya tentang computer karena kemajuannya telah merambah
pada smartphone, dan hal-hal lainnya. Di UKMC, teknologi yang digunakan sudah sangat …

Deteksi Plagiasi Dokumen Skripsi Mahasiswa Menggunakan Metode N-Grams Dan Winnowing

FRN Wulan, A Kunaefi, A Permadi - Simetris: Jurnal Teknik Mesin …, 2018 -
Salah satu tantangan dalam bidang akademik adalah mencegah maraknya aktivitas
plagiarisme. Salah satu cara yang bisa dilakukan adalah dengan melakukan deteksi dini …

The Comparation of distance-based similarity measure to detection of plagiarism in Indonesian text

T Mardiana, TB Adji, I Hidayah - Intelligence in the Era of Big Data: 4th …, 2015 - Springer
The accesible loose information through the Internet leads to plagiarism activities use the
copy-paste-modify practice is growing rapidly. There have been so many methods …

Sistem pendeteksi plagiarisme untuk tugas akhir mahasiswa di Universitas Bina Nusantara: studi pendahuluan

E Ernawati, A Anindito, RNP Atmojo - Humaniora, 2014 -
Artikel menjelaskan studi pendahuluan untuk membuat model sistem pendeteksi
plagiarisme untuk tugas akhir mahasiswa S1 di Universitas Bina Nusantara, termasuk …

Sensitivitas Sistem Pencarian Artikel Bahasa Indonesia Menggunakan Metode n-gram Dan Tanimoto Cosine

C Supriadi, HD Purnomo, I Sembiring - Jurnal Transformatika, 2020 -
The human need for technology and the availability of adequate infrastructure is evidence
that technology is now a part of basic human needs. The increasing number of journals and …