[图书][B] Turkey–west relations: The politics of intra-alliance opposition

O Dursun-Özkanca - 2019 - books.google.com
This timely book fills an important gap in the literature of international relations, providing a
thorough, up-to-date, empirically supported, and theoretically grounded analysis of how and …

Beyond EU navel-gazing: Taking stock of EU-centrism in the analysis of EU foreign policy

F Keuleers, D Fonck… - Cooperation and …, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
Whilst concerns about the EU-centric character of EU foreign policy analysis have become
more frequent in recent years, a systematic toolbox for diagnosing and remedying this …

Twenty years of the EU‐Turkey Customs Union: A synthetic control method analysis

H Aytuğ, MM Kütük, A Oduncu… - JCMS: Journal of …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
The paper studying the 1995 EU–Turkey Customs Union (CU) delivers a quantitative
assessment of trade and GDP per capita effects of the CU on the Turkish economy. Our …

[图书][B] A political theory of identity in European integration: Memory and policies

C Guisan - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
This book provides a theoretical and historical examination of the speech and deeds of
European founders. Using a fresh and innovative approach, this monograph connects …

EU–Turkey: Integration without Full Membership or Membership without Full Integration? A Conceptual Framework for Accession Alternatives

C Karakas - JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
The EU accession aspirations of the de jure E uropean country T urkey remain a highly
contested issue. Due to the national preferences and mainly socio‐cultural resentment in …

European Commission's agency meets Ankara's agenda: why Turkey is ready for a readmission agreement

A Bürgin - Journal of European Public Policy, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
In January 2011, the European Commission and the Turkish government announced an
agreement that obliges Turkey to take back illegal immigrants who have used Turkey as a …

With or without the EU: Europeanisation of asylum and competition policies in Turkey

U Aydin, K Kirişci - South European Society and Politics, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Despite growing pessimism in Turkey regarding EU membership negotiations, domestic
reforms in a number of policy areas such as asylum and competition policy have continued …

Ekonomik bütünleşme/siyasal parçalanmışlık paradoksu: Avro krizi ve Avrupa Birliği'nin geleceği

Z Öniş, M Kutlay - Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 2012 - dergipark.org.tr
2008 yılından bu yana avro bölgesi derin bir ekonomik kriz içerisinde adeta varoluş
mücadelesi vermektedir. Kriz ilk ortaya çıktığı andan itibaren avro bölgesi üyeleri, sorunun …

[图书][B] Security and the Turkey-EU accession process

N Martin - 2015 - Springer
Turkey is the longest standing “wannabe” member of what is now the European Union (EU).
It made its first tentative moves towards Brussels in 1959 just a year after the European …

[PDF][PDF] Neoliberalism, liberal intergovernmentalism and EU–Turkey relations

D Tsarouhas - EU-Turkey Relations: Theories, Institutions, and …, 2021 - library.oapen.org
Liberal approaches to regional integration, including neoliberal variants preoccupied with
institutional cooperation, have informed scholarship on European integration for a long time …