The Effect of Direct Compensation and Work Motivation on Teacher Productivity at Private Senior High School in Jakarta

I Kamaruddin, H Tannady, G Al Haddar… - Edunesia: Jurnal …, 2023 -
Competition today among schools forces each school management to improve teacher
performance by providing motivation, involving teachers in training, and providing …

Studi analisis kemitraan orang tua dan sekolah dalam meningkatkan kedisiplinan siswa

M Akhyar, J Batubara, N Deliani - Fikrah: Journal of Islamic …, 2023 -
The case of the teacher who dared to reprimand a student for smoking is a clear example of
how the partnership between parents and schools can be a decisive factor in overcoming …

The Use Of Coorperative Learning Models In Natural Science Education

AA Kuswandi - … : Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora Dan Ilmu …, 2023 -
The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of the cooperative learning approach
in science education. Cooperative learning can help students make significant strides in …

Organizational redesign for government of Jakarta administrative city

W Syafri, M Achmad, M Labolo - … Journal of Research in Business and …, 2024 -
Abstract The Jakarta City Government organization as a service instrument in order to meet
the needs of the organization is currently considered no longer in accordance with the …

Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja dan Kemampuan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT Pegadaian

MI Hasnah, MI Yaqin, E Mallibureng… - Jurnal Ilmiah …, 2023 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui motivasi dan kemampuan kerja berpengaruh
signifikan secara parsial dan simultan terhadap kinerja karyawan di PT Pegadaian Cabang …

Service Excellent and Performance Management in Healthcare Industry

S Theodore - Journal of Current Research in Business and …, 2024 -
Services in general are intangible and cannot be fully owned by consumers. If not controlled,
this can have a negative impact on the company, because many customers feel dissatisfied …

Service Excellent and How It Works in Private Banking Industry

N Tudescu - Journal of Current Research in Business and …, 2024 -
High consumer value creates customer loyalty. This is the basis for consumers to be able to
buy products or services from the same place repeatedly and not switch to other competing …

Service Performance, Business Sustainability and Excellent Leadership

C Bonamoga - Journal of Current Research in Business and …, 2024 -
However, in the business world, it is not enough to be in this position, we have to be
competitive and number one, and one way to win the competition is to improve service …

Service Quality and Its Application in Handcraft Industry

S Nuema - Journal of Current Research in Business and …, 2024 -
During peak periods, it is possible that the services provided by producers are very minimal,
for example speeding up service times in order to serve as many customers as possible …

The Influence of Work Motivation, Work Environment, Work Culture on Employee Performance (Case Study at the Bengkulu City Trade and Industry Service)

F Irawan - SEMB-J: Sharia Economic and Management Business …, 2024 -
In limiting the scope of this research, the author focuses only on the influence of work
motivation, work environment and work culture on the performance of employees in the …