Eco Friendly Farming Development to Support the Establishment of Sustainable Organic Agriculture: A Review

IK Kariada, IBK Suastika, MA Wahyuni… - BIO Web of …, 2023 -
A systematic review has been done to collate all empirical evidence in order to answer a
question regarding the development of ecofriendly farming. This farming system nowadays …

[PDF][PDF] Populasi hama dan musuh alami pada tiga cara budidaya padi sawah di Sukamandi

N Usyati, N Kurniawati, A Ruskandar, O Rumasa - Jurnal Agrikultura, 2018 -
Beberapa faktor pembatas produksi padi diantaranya adalah cara budidaya dan adanya
serangan hama. Untuk menekan serangan hama, beberapa teknik pengendalian telah …

Minapadi Media Design for Fish and Rice Cultivation Systems in Dry Land

J Nursandi, AH Verdian - IOP Conference Series: Earth and …, 2022 -
The area of agricultural and fishery land will decrease in the future. One of the potential
efforts to be developed in increasing the area of agricultural and fishery land is the …

The assessment of soil quality index for paddy fields with indicator biology in jatipurno districts, wonogirl

S Supriyadi, D Widyatmani Sih… - Modern Applied …, 2019 -
Increased rice needs in an extensive use of paddy fields in the Jatipurno, Wonogiri.
Managing rice fields can reduce soil quality. Proper management can improve soil quality …

Microbial diversity in pesticidal and non-pesticidal paddy soil microbiomes

R SUSANTI, NR KENARNI, ADIF JAYA… - Biodiversitas Journal of …, 2023 -
Susanti R, Kenarni NR, Jaya AF, Nisa'FF, Mukaromah RL, Widiatningrum T, Martuti NKT,
Rahayuningsih M. 2023. Microbial diversity in pesticidal and non-pesticidal paddy soil …

Konsep Pertanian Organik Lahan Kering Melalui Pemanfaatan Budidaya Maggot (Black Soldier Fly)

S Samsukdin - JURNAL AGROSAINS: Karya Kreatif dan Inovatif, 2023 -
Dryland problems are economic and social problems, especially dryland damage caused by
imbalances between ecosystems. One solution to achieve ecosystem sustainability in …

Sosialisasi dan Pelatihan Pangan Organik Bagi Masyarakat Desa Sambirejo, Kecamatan Pare, Kabupaten Kediri, Jawa Timur

IJ Mulyana, LPS Hartanti, D Trihastuti… - JPP IPTEK (Jurnal …, 2021 -
Penerapan berbagai teknologi dalam upaya peningkatan mutu intensifikasi pertanian
secara umum fokus pada penggunaan benih unggul yang bermutu. Namun, penggunaan …

Keefektifan Ekstrak Daun Inggu (Ruta graveolens L.) dalam Mengendalikan Nezara viridula pada Stadia Perkembangan yang Berbeda

I Sari, M Sayuthi, H Hasnah - Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pertanian, 2023 -
Inggu (Ruta graveolens L.) merupakan tanaman perdu yang termasuk ke dalam Ordo:
Sapindales Famili: Rutaceae yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan dasar dalam …

Identification of microclimate in jajar legowo planting system and its effect on brown plant hopper and Lycosa sp.

FE Saputra, S Supriyadi… - E3S Web of …, 2023 -
Rice was an important food crop that one of the cultivation was the jajar legowo planting
system. However, the effect of the planting system on brown planthopper and predatory …

Pengaruh Lama Masa Kerja Terhadap Kadar Enzim Cholinesterase Pada Petani Pengguna Pestisida Organofosfat

W Ayu - 2020 -
Excessive use of pesticides has an impact on human health and the environment. Pesticides
are chemicals or mixtures of chemicals and other materials used to control or eliminate plant …