Sex determination and sex differentiation in fish: an overview of genetic, physiological, and environmental influences

RH Devlin, Y Nagahama - Aquaculture, 2002 - Elsevier
A great deal of information is known regarding the process of sex differentiation in fish, and
the mechanisms involved in primary sex determination are now beginning to be defined. A …

Functional hermaphroditism in teleosts

YS De Mitcheson, M Liu - Fish and Fisheries, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Teleost fishes are characterized by a diversity of sexual patterns. Hermaphroditism, the
expression of both male and female reproductive function in a single individual, generates …

Sexual determination and differentiation in teleost fish

GE Sandra, MM Norma - Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 2010 - Springer
The present work reviews the latest information on the cellular, molecular and physiological
aspects of sexual determination and differentiation in teleost fish. The group exhibits a large …

Sperm economy in a coral reef fish, Thalassoma bifasciatum

DY Shapiro, A Marconato, T Yoshikawa - Ecology, 1994 - Wiley Online Library
In many coral reef fishes, males face the evolutionary problems of how to allocate sperm
among frequent, daily mating in order to maximize the number of eggs they fertilize. A …

Spawning aggregations of coral reef fishes: characteristics, hypotheses, threats and management

J Claydon - Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual …, 2004 -
Many coral reef fishes migrate to form short-lived aggregations at predictable sites and times
in order to spawn. For the purposes of this review, such spawning aggregations are defined …

The timing and extent of 'juvenile ovary'phase are highly variable during zebrafish testis differentiation

XG Wang, R Bartfai, I Sleptsova‐Freidrich… - Journal of Fish …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Gonad differentiation in male zebrafish involves a transformation from a 'juvenile ovary'to
testis. In our study, this phenomenon was analysed using a stable transgenic line (vas …

Evidence of temperature‐dependent sex determination in the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.)

M Pavlidis, G Koumoundouros, A Sterioti… - Journal of …, 2000 - Wiley Online Library
To test the hypothesis that sex determination in the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus
labrax L.) Can be affected by the incubating temperature during the very early …

Preoptic GnRH and AVT: axes for sexual plasticity in teleost fish

CM Foran, AH Bass - General and comparative endocrinology, 1999 - Elsevier
Alternative reproductive tactics within one sex, adult sex or role change, and reproductive
suppression are all forms of reproductive plasticity commonly exhibited among teleost …

A social basis for the development of primary males in a sex-changing fish

PL Munday, J Wilson White… - Proceedings of the …, 2006 -
An example of alternative male strategies is seen in diandric protogynous (female first)
hermaphrodites, where individuals either mature directly as male (primary males) or first …

The need for speed: neuroendocrine regulation of socially-controlled sex change

MS Lamm, H Liu, NJ Gemmell… - Integrative and …, 2015 -
Socially-controlled functional sex change in fishes is a dramatic example of adaptive
reproductive plasticity. Functional gonadal sex change can occur within a week while …