Dynamical chaos: systems of classical mechanics

AY Loskutov - Physics-Uspekhi, 2007 - iopscience.iop.org
This article is a methodological manual for those who are interested in chaotic dynamics. An
exposition is given on the foundations of the theory of deterministic chaos that originates in …

Динамический хаос. Системы классической механики

АЮ Лоскутов - Успехи физических наук, 2007 - ufn.ru
В течение долгого времени представление о хаосе ассоциировалось с допущением,
что в системе необходимо, по крайней мере, возбуждение чрезвычайно большого …

Properties of some chaotic billiards with time-dependent boundaries

A Loskutov, AB Ryabov… - Journal of Physics A …, 2000 - iopscience.iop.org
A dispersing billiard (Lorentz gas) and focusing billiards (in the form of a stadium) with time-
dependent boundaries are considered. The problem of particle acceleration in such billiards …

A hybrid Fermi–Ulam-bouncer model

ED Leonel, PVE McClintock - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical …, 2005 - iopscience.iop.org
Some dynamical and chaotic properties are studied for a classical particle bouncing
between two rigid walls, one of which is fixed and the other moves in time, in the presence of …

Mechanism of Fermi acceleration in dispersing billiards with time-dependent boundaries

AY Loskutov, AB Ryabov, LG Akinshin - Journal of Experimental and …, 1999 - Springer
The paper is devoted to the problem of Fermi acceleration in Lorentz-type dispersing
billiards whose boundaries depend on time in a certain way. Two cases of boundary …

On the dynamical properties of a Fermi accelerator model

ED Leonel, JKL da Silva, SO Kamphorst - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics …, 2004 - Elsevier
In this paper we use discrete dynamical systems formalism to carefully investigate the effect
of a time-dependent perturbation on a classical mechanical model. We present a study of a …

Bounded gain of energy on the breathing circle billiard

SO Kamphorst, SP de Carvalho - Nonlinearity, 1999 - iopscience.iop.org
Bounded gain of energy on the breathing circle billiard Page 1 Nonlinearity Bounded gain of
energy on the breathing circle billiard To cite this article: Sylvie Oliffson Kamphorst and Sônia …

Time-dependent billiards

J Koiller, R Markarian, SO Kamphorst… - …, 1995 - iopscience.iop.org
This is an attempt to study mathematically billiards with moving boundaries. We assume that
the boundary remains closed, regular and strictly convex, deforming periodically in time, in …

Radiative intermittent events during Fermi's stochastic acceleration

A Veltri, V Carbone - Physical review letters, 2004 - APS
We investigate the dynamics of a realization of Fermi's relativistic acceleration mechanism
that is a charged test particle oscillating between two reflecting plates that move …

Instability in Fermi-Ulamping-pong'problem

V Zharnitsky - Nonlinearity, 1998 - iopscience.iop.org
The motion of a classical particle bouncing elastically between two parallel walls, with one of
the walls undergoing a periodic motion is considered. This problem, called Fermi-Ulamping …