Embedding building performance evaluation in UK architectural practice and beyond

F Stevenson - Building Research & Information, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Despite repeated efforts to foreground post-occupancy evaluation (POE) in many countries,
few have any policy or legislation in place to mandate this process. Large-scale voluntary …

Zero net energy test house

TL Hemsath, JD Goedert… - Journal of green …, 2011 - meridian.allenpress.com
This paper describes the first phase of a residential research program to reduce the impact
of new construction on the environment through research and education using a Zero Net …

Automating the residential thermostat based on house occupancy

MA Cleveland, JM Schuh - 2010 IEEE Systems and Information …, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
With the monthly bill provided by the energy company, a homeowner is given the total
amount energy consumed in the home. This is, however, a comprehensive sum and does …

“Homeflow”: An Analysis of the Home-Living Situation

RA Cantrell - Housing and Society, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
This paper provides readers with an understanding of how homeowners in the United States
say they would like to live. It does so by specifically asking members of this population to …

Segmenting Florida residential irrigation users by utility-bill “botheredness” and household budgetary constraints

RA Cantrell, LA Warner, A Lamm, J Rumble - Housing and Society, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Homeowners typically and incorrectly exclude irrigation costs when considering utility bills.
This research identified residents who are: responsible for operating irrigation systems, and …

Smart home control based on behavioural profiles

F Iglesias Vázquez - 2012 - repositum.tuwien.at
Automation of homes and buildings is characterized by a high casuistry and a strong
interaction with users. Here, concepts like ubiquity and cooperativeness acquire an …

[PDF][PDF] Low-Cost wireless electricity metering system with User-Friendly interface

ADN Rodrigues - 2010 - repositorio-aberto.up.pt
Excessive energy consumption, electricity in particular, is becoming a major concern in
present day society, not only due to economical but also due to environmental issues. Over …

[PDF][PDF] Guidelines for Residential Sub Metering

M Hatch, H Rashed-Ali - 2016 - researchgate.net
This report outlines a protocol for the collection and analysis of residential sub metered data.
It provides concise guidelines on current best practices for measurement, analysis …

Modelo de Ocupação e Consumo Energético Habitacional

DMS da Arrobe - 2013 - search.proquest.com
O paradigma energético atual tem como base o uso de fontes de energia não renováveis,
mais nomeadamente os combustíveis fósseis, para satisfazer a procura energética global. O …

[PDF][PDF] Integrating Energy Research in the Built Environment

A Schwer, M Alahmad, DK Tiller, P Wheeler… - ineer.org
North American electrical utilities face increased demand from the residential sector, and so
have been sponsoring research to manage this growing demand to control the costs …