[HTML][HTML] Navigating the complexity of scoring systems in sepsis management: a comprehensive review

V Reddy, H Reddy, R Gemnani, S Kumar, S Acharya - Cureus, 2024 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
This comprehensive review navigates the intricate landscape of sepsis scoring systems,
aiming to provide healthcare professionals and researchers with a nuanced understanding …

Classifying sepsis from photoplethysmography

S Lombardi, P Partanen, P Francia, I Calamai… - … Information Science and …, 2022 - Springer
Purpose Sepsis is a life-threatening organ dysfunction. It is caused by a dysregulated
immune response to an infection and is one of the leading causes of death in the intensive …

[PDF][PDF] The six scoring systems' prognostic value in predicting 24-hour mortality in septic patients.

M Djikic, M Milenkovic, M Stojadinovic… - European Review for …, 2024 - europeanreview.org
OBJECTIVE: The use of scoring systems contributes to the faster identification of septic
patients, especially those at a high risk of a fatal outcome. The best scoring system does not …

Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio as marker of organ dysfunction severity in patients with sepsis in the intensive care unit: An observational study

R Pathania, M Gupta, G Jesrani, S Gupta… - Journal of Clinical and …, 2024 - journals.lww.com
Background: The neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) is an easily computable parameter
and is believed to accurately determine the disease-related organ dysfunction severity and …

[HTML][HTML] Comparison of NEWS, SIRS, and qSOFA Score as Predictors of Mortality and Length of Stay in Patients Pneumonia with Sepsis

H Harsini, A Alfarizi, J Aphridasari… - Jurnal Respirologi …, 2024 - jurnalrespirologi.org
Background: Pneumonia is a major health problem in all age groups and often related with
sepsis. In 2021, Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines mentioned several clinical scoring …

Prognostički značaj biomarkera sepse na ishod lečenja kritično obolelih pacijenata sa Covid-19 infekcijom

Д Бајић - Универзитет у Новом Саду, 2024 - nardus.mpn.gov.rs
Uvod: Pojava SARS-Cov-2 virusa (Severe Acute Respiratory Sindrome Coronavirus 2)
uzročnika Covid-19 infekcije (Corona virus disease 2019) dovela je do proglašenja …

Pattern of Antimicrobial Resistance and Outcomes of Patients with Sepsis admitted to a Tertiary Care Hospital in Peshawar: A Prospective study

SA Khan, M Imran, M Umar, Z Iqbal, A Basit… - Pakistan Journal of …, 2024 - pjcm.net
Background: Sepsis is a life-threatening illness induced by a change in the host's reaction to
various infections. Objectives: To study the antimicrobial resistance patterns and outcomes …

Perbandingan skor NEWS, SIRS dan qSOFA sebagai prediktor mortalitas dan lama rawat inap pasien pneumonia dengan sepsis

A Alfarizi - 2023 - digilib.uns.ac.id
Metode: Analisis deskriptif subjek dengan uji kesesuaian skor klinis dilakukan pada pasien
pneumonia dengan sepsis yang dirawat di RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakara selama periode 1 …

Increase Mortality Rate in Sepsis Patients with qSOFA Score Greater than Two

RMW Khan, A Mahmood, M Qayyum… - Pakistan Armed Forces …, 2022 - pafmj.org
Objective: To look for patients of sepsis with a qSOFA score of more than two and an
association of a high qSOFA score with mortality and other socio-demographic factors. Study …