[HTML][HTML] Opportunities and challenges in the development of exoskeletons for locomotor assistance

C Siviy, LM Baker, BT Quinlivan… - Nature Biomedical …, 2023 - nature.com
Exoskeletons can augment the performance of unimpaired users and restore movement in
individuals with gait impairments. Knowledge of how users interact with wearable devices …

[HTML][HTML] The exoskeleton expansion: improving walking and running economy

GS Sawicki, ON Beck, I Kang, AJ Young - Journal of neuroengineering and …, 2020 - Springer
Since the early 2000s, researchers have been trying to develop lower-limb exoskeletons
that augment human mobility by reducing the metabolic cost of walking and running versus …

Individualization of exosuit assistance based on measured muscle dynamics during versatile walking

RW Nuckols, S Lee, K Swaminathan, D Orzel… - Science robotics, 2021 - science.org
Variability in human walking depends on individual physiology, environment, and walking
task. Consequently, in the field of wearable robotics, there is a clear need for customizing …

From sensing to control of lower limb exoskeleton: A systematic review

Y Sun, Y Tang, J Zheng, D Dong, X Chen… - Annual Reviews in Control, 2022 - Elsevier
As a typical application of the human-computer interaction device, the lower limb
exoskeleton has attracted many researchers' attention in recent years in an attempt to …

[HTML][HTML] Autonomous exoskeleton reduces metabolic cost of human walking during load carriage

LM Mooney, EJ Rouse, HM Herr - Journal of neuroengineering and …, 2014 - Springer
Background Many soldiers are expected to carry heavy loads over extended distances, often
resulting in physical and mental fatigue. In this study, the design and testing of an …

Lower limb wearable robots for assistance and rehabilitation: A state of the art

W Huo, S Mohammed, JC Moreno… - IEEE systems …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Neurologic injuries, such as stroke, spinal cord injuries, and weaknesses of skeletal muscles
with elderly people, may considerably limit the ability of this population to achieve the main …

A biologically inspired soft exosuit for walking assistance

AT Asbeck, SMM De Rossi, KG Holt… - … Journal of Robotics …, 2015 - journals.sagepub.com
We present the design and evaluation of a multi-articular soft exosuit that is portable, fully
autonomous, and provides assistive torques to the wearer at the ankle and hip during …

Stronger, smarter, softer: next-generation wearable robots

AT Asbeck, SMM De Rossi, I Galiana… - IEEE Robotics & …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Exosuits show much promise as a method for augmenting the body with lightweight,
portable, and compliant wearable systems. We envision that such systems can be further …

Performance evaluation of lower limb exoskeletons: a systematic review

D Pinto-Fernandez, D Torricelli… - … on Neural Systems …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Benchmarks have long been used to verify and compare the readiness level of different
technologies in many application domains. In the field of wearable robots, the lack of a …

[HTML][HTML] A biologically-inspired multi-joint soft exosuit that can reduce the energy cost of loaded walking

FA Panizzolo, I Galiana, AT Asbeck, C Siviy… - … of neuroengineering and …, 2016 - Springer
Background Carrying load alters normal walking, imposes additional stress to the
musculoskeletal system, and results in an increase in energy consumption and a …