Evaluation of the impact of Covid-19 on air traffic volume in Turkish airspace using artificial neural networks and time series

N Gultekin, S Acik Kemaloglu - Scientific reports, 2023 - nature.com
In early 2020, the aviation sector was one of the business lines adversely affected by the
Covid 19 outbreak that affected the whole world. As a result, some countries imposed travel …

Spatiotemporal Changes in Air Pollution within the Studied Road Segment.

A Jaroń, A Borucka - Sustainability (2071-1050), 2024 - search.ebscohost.com
Environmental protection is a pivotal element of sustainable development, both essential
and indispensable in the construction of smart, green cities. Road transport contributes …

Analyzing Machine Learning Techniques for Air Passenger Numbers Forecasting

P Khumla, K Sarawan, J Polpinij… - … Joint Conference on …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The imperative of forecasting air passenger numbers is underscored by its utility in strategic
planning and operational optimization within the aviation sector. As a pivotal technique for …

Examining Airplane Accidents through the Lens of Fatalities in Such Catastrophes

A Borucka, M Romele - 2024 12th International Conference on …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Safety systems in air transport are constantly being improved, making air travel one of the
safest modes of transportation. Nevertheless, aviation accidents still occur and are the …

Sprzedaż pojazdów dostawczych w aspekcie pandemii Covid-19

P Orzech, W Marcinek, M Macander… - Transport …, 2024 - ts.publisherspanel.com
Sprzedaż pojazdów stanowi istotny element ich cyklu życia, który obejmuje różne etapy,
począwszy od projektowania i produkcji, poprzez użytkowanie, aż do recyklingu lub …

[PDF][PDF] Evaluation of changes in corridor railway traffic in the Czech Republic during the pandemic year 2020

M KUČERA, Z DOBEŠOVÁ - researchgate.net
Railway traffic was significantly affected by the global Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. The
article's main objective is to evaluate the changes in rail transport on rail corridors in the …

[PDF][PDF] Sprzedaż pojazdów dostawczych w aspekcie pandemii Covid-19 Paulina Orzech paulina. orzech@ student. wat. edu. pl Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna

W Marcinek, M Macander, WIM Lotniczej, J Jordan - publisherspanel.com
Sprzedaż pojazdów stanowi istotny element ich cyklu życia, który obejmuje różne etapy,
począwszy od projektowania i produkcji, poprzez użytkowanie, aż do recyklingu lub …

Sales of delivery vehicles in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic

P Orzech, W Marcinek, M Macander… - Motor …, 2024 - ts.publisherspanel.com
The sale of vehicles is an important element of their life cycle, which includes various stages,
from design and production, through use, to recycling or disposal. Sales are an important …