Recent developments in parameter estimation and structure identification of biochemical and genomic systems

IC Chou, EO Voit - Mathematical biosciences, 2009 - Elsevier
The organization, regulation and dynamical responses of biological systems are in many
cases too complex to allow intuitive predictions and require the support of mathematical …

Multiobjective optimization in bioinformatics and computational biology

J Handl, DB Kell, J Knowles - IEEE/ACM Transactions on …, 2007 -
This paper reviews the application of multiobjective optimization in the fields of
bioinformatics and computational biology. A survey of existing work, organized by …

An optimization framework for identifying reaction activation/inhibition or elimination candidates for overproduction in microbial systems

P Pharkya, CD Maranas - Metabolic engineering, 2006 - Elsevier
We introduce a computational framework termed OptReg that determines the optimal
reaction activations/inhibitions and eliminations for targeted biochemical production. A …

Biochemical systems theory: a review

EO Voit - International Scholarly Research Notices, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Biochemical systems theory (BST) is the foundation for a set of analytical andmodeling tools
that facilitate the analysis of dynamic biological systems. This paper depicts major …

Pareto-optimal solutions for multi-objective optimization of fed-batch bioreactors using nondominated sorting genetic algorithm

D Sarkar, JM Modak - Chemical Engineering Science, 2005 - Elsevier
Many optimal control problems are characterized by their multiple performance measures
that are often noncommensurable and competing with each other. The presence of multiple …

Optimization of Fed‐Batch Saccharomyces cerevisiae Fermentation Using Dynamic Flux Balance Models

JL Hjersted, MA Henson - Biotechnology progress, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
We developed a dynamic flux balance model for fed‐batch Saccharomyces cerevisiae
fermentation that couples a detailed steady‐state description of primary carbon metabolism …

Reverse engineering of gene regulatory networks using dissipative particle swarm optimization

L Palafox, N Noman, H Iba - IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary …, 2012 -
Proteins are composed by amino acids, which are created by genes. To understand how
different genes interact to create different proteins, we need to model the gene regulatory …

Identification of biochemical networks by S-tree based genetic programming

DY Cho, KH Cho, BT Zhang - Bioinformatics, 2006 -
Motivation: Most previous approaches to model biochemical networks have focused either
on the characterization of a network structure with a number of components or on the …

Using optimal control to understand complex metabolic pathways

N Tsiantis, JR Banga - BMC bioinformatics, 2020 - Springer
Background Optimality principles have been used to explain the structure and behavior of
living matter at different levels of organization, from basic phenomena at the molecular level …

Automated design framework for synthetic biology exploiting pareto optimality

I Otero-Muras, JR Banga - ACS Synthetic Biology, 2017 - ACS Publications
In this work we consider Pareto optimality for automated design in synthetic biology. We
present a generalized framework based on a mixed-integer dynamic optimization …