Optimized machine learning algorithms for investigating the relationship between economic development and human capital

E Ozden, D Guleryuz - Computational Economics, 2022 - Springer
Abstract In Economic Development, human capital was previously seen as production
factors but gradually evolved into endogenous growth theories. Most of the previous studies …

Critical failure factors of public-private partnership low-cost housing program in Thailand

S Trangkanont, C Charoenngam - Engineering, Construction and …, 2014 - emerald.com
Purpose–Numerous studies to date have demonstrated the public-private partnership (PPP)
project procurement method's failure to deliver low-cost housing (LCH) to low-income …

Problems and issues of high rise low cost housing in Malaysia

N Wahi, RM Zin, V Munikanan… - IOP Conference …, 2018 - iopscience.iop.org
Major cities in developing countries are undergoing an enormous migration of peoples from
countryside regions. This migration from the countryside regions were mostly to develop …

Housing affordability in the state of Johor

MM Osman, MA Ramlee, N Samsudin… - Planning …, 2017 - planningmalaysia.org
The Malaysian property market has been facing significant changes in terms of housing
price since a decade ago and these changes are different between states. The changes in …

Prediksi Jumlah Kendaraan Bermotor di Indonesia Menggunakan Metode Average-Based Fuzzy Time Series Models

F Pangestu, AW Widodo, B Rahayudi - … Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu …, 2018 - j-ptiik.ub.ac.id
Kendaraan bermotor di Indonesia mengalami8pertumbuhan jumlah setiap tahunnya.
Tingkat jumlah kendaraan bermotor yang tinggi akan berdampak pada berbagai sektor …

Prediksi Jumlah Kunjungan Pasien Rawat Jalan Menggunakan Metode Genetic Fuzzy Systems Studi Kasus: Rumah Sakit Usada Sidoarjo

LF Mubin, W Anggraeni, A Vinarti - Jurnal Teknik ITS, 2012 - ejurnal.its.ac.id
Rumah sakit adalah institusi pelayanan kesehatan yang menyelenggarakan pelayanan
kesehatan perorangan secara paripurna yang menyediakan pelayanan rawat jalan, rawat …

Conceptualizing predictive conceptual model for unemployment rates in the implementation of Industry 4.0: Exploring machine learning techniques

JE Chukwuere - arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.13536, 2024 - arxiv.org
Although there are obstacles related to obtaining data, ensuring model precision, and
upholding ethical standards, the advantages of utilizing machine learning to generate …

Sales rate forecasting of single-detached houses using artificial neural network technique

K Tochaiwat, P Pultawee… - … Making: Applications in …, 2023 - dmame-journal.org
Although the predicted number of sold units per month is one of the most necessary
information to study the feasibility of detached-housing estate projects, traditional forecasting …


H Yılmaz, Ö Tosun - Kafkas Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler …, 2020 - dergipark.org.tr
Talep tahmini işletmelerin ve bireylerin geleceğe yönelik uygulayacağı stratejileri ve
önlemleri almaları için yapmaları gereken önemli faaliyetlerden birisidir. Bu faaliyet kısaca …

An integrated framework for affordable housing demand projection and site selection

NHA Maimun, S Ismail, M Junainah… - … series: Earth and …, 2018 - iopscience.iop.org
Highly priced properties cause affordability problems among low and middle-income buyers.
To overcome this, the Malaysian government introduces affordable housing through …