Uniform space-charge-limited current for a two-dimensional planar emitter with nonzero monoenergetic initial velocity

X Zhu, NR Sree Harsha, AL Garner - Journal of Applied Physics, 2023 - pubs.aip.org
While characterizing space-charge-limited current (SCLC) is important for numerous
applications, no analytical solutions for SCLC with monoenergetic initial velocity exist for two …

A detour transition between thermal field emission and space charge limited regimes

C Lin, J Chen, Y Fu - Applied Physics Letters, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
Child–Langmuir law theoretically predicts the transition from thermionic electron emission to
space charge limited (SCL) current density across a diode gap. In this work, we reveal a …

Limiting current on periodic electron sheets in a planar diode

D Chernin, D Li, YY Lau - Physics of Plasmas, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
We consider the steady-state limiting current that can be carried by an infinite periodic array
of thin electron sheets spaced by period p in a planar diode of gap voltage V and gap …

[HTML][HTML] Critical current in a two-dimensional non-magnetically insulated crossed-field gap with monoenergetic emission

X Zhu, JK Wright, NR Harsha, AL Garner - Physics of Plasmas, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
Prior studies have developed theories for the maximum permissible current, or critical
current, for one-dimensional planar and cylindrical crossed-field diodes where the magnetic …

[HTML][HTML] Two-dimensional space charge limited current in regime between accelerating diode and drift space for sheet and circular beam

YL Liu, LK Ang - Physics of Plasmas, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
We develop a general electrostatic steady-state model to calculate the two-dimensional (2D)
space-charge-limited current (SCLC) with an initial velocity v 0 (ie, kinetic energy e KV= mv …

[HTML][HTML] Two-dimensional model of space-limited current in the weakly collisional regime for an inhomogenous medium

S Kanwal, YL Liu, LK Ang - Physics of Plasmas, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
This short report describes the phenomenon of space-charge-limited (SCL) current transport
between ballistic and collision-dominated regimes for an inhomogeneous medium with a …

[HTML][HTML] A variational method for the sheath potential of hypersonic leading edges with space-charge limitations

NM Ghoniem, DB Brown, Y Huang - Physics of Plasmas, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
Electron transpiration cooling for the leading edges (LE) of hypersonic aircraft utilizes
thermionic emission; however, space-charge effects limit the electron emission rate …

[HTML][HTML] On the two-dimensional Brillouin flow

R Revolinsky, C Swenson, N Jordan, YY Lau… - Physics of …, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
The Brillouin flow is a rectilinear, sheared electron fluid flow in a crossed electric field (E)
and magnetic field (B), in the E× B direction with zero flow velocity and zero electric field at …

Transition from the regime of thermionic emission to the space-charge limited current regime under strong Shottky effects

D Karaoulanis, JP Xanthakis - … of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
We have examined the transition from the thermionic to the space-charge limited current
(SCLC) regime under strong Schottky effects as the electric field increases. We have used …


X Zhu - 2023 - hammer.purdue.edu
High-power microwave (HPM) devices are generally vacuum-based devices that transform
electron beam energy into microwaves with peak powers above 100 MW from 1-300 GHz …