A unifying analytical framework for loyalty rebates

FM Scott Morton, Z Abrahamson - Antitrust LJ, 2016 - HeinOnline
This article asserts and operationalizes the principle that demand contestability determines
the competitive effects of loyalty rebates. We urge antitrust courts and enforcers to recognize …

Technological and geographic heterogeneity in broadband markets: The challenge for regulation

K Dasgupta, T Gibson, M Williams - Telecommunications Policy, 2021 - Elsevier
When the telecommunications industry was liberalised in Europe and North America in the
1980s and 1990s, it inherited a legacy of monopoly providers whose footprint was national …

Art. 102 AEUV und die Rolle der Ökonomie

T Rohner - 2023 - nomos-elibrary.de
Wie können ökonomische Erkenntnisse bei der Auslegung und Konkretisierung des
Missbrauchsverbots nach Art. 102 AEUV besser genutzt werden? Diese Forschungsfrage …

Rabaty retrospektywne w prawie antymonopolowym i przepisach ustawy o przeciwdziałaniu nieuczciwemu wykorzystywaniu przewagi kontraktowej

K Racka, W Herbet-Homenda… - internetowy Kwartalnik …, 2022 - ceeol.com
Retrorabaty (inaczej: rabaty retrospektywne, retroaktywne, rabaty z mocą wsteczną) są
jednym z częściej spotykanych instrumentów polityki sprzedaży, który–zwłaszcza w ostatnim …

The antitrust treatment of loyalty discounts and rebates in the EU competition law: in search of an economic approach and a theory of consumer harm

D Sama - Law & Economics LAB, LUISS “Guido Carli” University …, 2012 - papers.ssrn.com
In the paper, the fundamental question is under what conditions loyalty discounts and
rebates adopted by a dominant firm cause anti-competitive effects. Fidelity schemes …


G Federico - Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 2013 - academic.oup.com
This article reviews an abuse of dominance decision against the incumbent domestic airline
in South Africa (SAA) taken in 2010 and upheld on appeal in 2011. This case placed …

Consumer Preferences & Loyalty Discounts The Case of UK Grocery Retail

D Butkeviciute - 2017 - openaccess.city.ac.uk
This thesis re-examines a common assumption entering theoretical models of endogenous
switching costs. Through a discrete choice experiment we test the hypothesis that …

Unclassified DAF/COMP (2016) 5

F REBATES - oecd-ilibrary.org
This paper was prepared as background for a discussion held at the OECD in June 2016 on
fidelity rebates. It explores why it is that firms use fidelity rebates, identifies some rationales …

Price Discrimination in a form of Discounts: Categorization and Impact on Competition

D Cherednichenko - Modern Management Review, 2021 - czasopisma.prz.edu.pl
This paper is aimed to clarify the definition and categorization of discounts as well as pro-
and anticompetitive effects of discounts. The author applied qualitative methods to the …

Theories of harm on abuse of dominance: a Sino-EU comparative analysis of the impact of institutional dynamics on the law enforcement

X Yan - 2019 - research.rug.nl
This research is set out to discuss how, in a competition law regime, the institutional
dynamics between courts and the enforcement agencies could have an impact on the law …