Interactions in the microbiome: communities of organisms and communities of genes

E Boon, CJ Meehan, C Whidden… - FEMS microbiology …, 2014 -
A central challenge in microbial community ecology is the delineation of appropriate units of
biodiversity, which can be taxonomic, phylogenetic, or functional in nature. The term …

Towards a mechanistic understanding of the responses of large terrestrial mammals to heat and aridity associated with climate change

A Fuller, D Mitchell, SK Maloney, RS Hetem - Climate Change Responses, 2016 - Springer
In the face of climate change, the life history traits of large terrestrial mammals will prevent
them from adapting genetically at a sufficient pace to keep track with changing …

Convergence of gut microbiomes in myrmecophagous mammals

F Delsuc, JL Metcalf, L Wegener Parfrey… - Molecular …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Mammals have diversified into many dietary niches. Specialized myrmecophagous (ant‐and
termite‐eating) placental mammals represent a textbook example of evolutionary …

Interspecific allometry of population density in mammals and other animals: the independence of body mass and population energy-use

J Damuth - Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 1987 -
Global regressions of ecological population densities on body mass for mammals and for
terrestrial animals as a whole show that local population energy-use is approximately …

The zoogeography of mammalian basal metabolic rate

BG Lovegrove - The American Naturalist, 2000 -
Zoogeographical effects on the basal metabolic rate (BMR) of 487 mammal species were
analyzed using conventional and phylogenetically independent ANCOVA. Minimal BMR …

The influence of climate on the basal metabolic rate of small mammals: a slow-fast metabolic continuum

BG Lovegrove - Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 2003 - Springer
The influence of climate (mean annual rainfall, rainfall variability, ambient temperature, T a)
on the basal metabolic rate (BMR) of 267 small mammals (< 1 kg) from six zoogeographical …

AnimalTraits-a curated animal trait database for body mass, metabolic rate and brain size

ME Herberstein, DJ McLean, E Lowe, JO Wolff… - Scientific Data, 2022 -
Trait databases have become important resources for large-scale comparative studies in
ecology and evolution. Here we introduce the AnimalTraits database, a curated database of …

[PDF][PDF] Metabolic scaling in animals: methods, empirical results, and theoretical explanations

CR White, MR Kearney - Compr. Physiol, 2014 -
Life on earth spans a size range of around 21 orders of magnitude across species and can
span a range of more than 6 orders of magnitude within species of animal. The effect of size …

The evolution of mechanisms involved in vertebrate endothermy

LJ Legendre, D Davesne - Philosophical Transactions of …, 2020 -
Endothermy, ie the endogenous production of metabolic heat, has evolved multiple times
among vertebrates, and several strategies of heat production have been studied extensively …

[PDF][PDF] Mamíferos ameaçados de extinção no Brasil

AG Chiarello, LMS Aguiar, R Cerqueira… - Livro vermelho da …, 2008 -
| 682| proibida no país, exceto no Rio Grande do Sul, onde é controlada pelo IBAMA. Isso
demonstra a importância de se efetivar, nacionalmente, o controle e a vigilância contra esse …