[图书][B] Transnational education: Issues and trends in offshore higher education

G McBurnie, C Ziguras - 2006 - taylorfrancis.com
While the international mobility of students is a well-established feature of higher education,
the international mobility of institutions and courses on a large scale is a more novel …

Artificial intelligence technologies in education: benefits, challenges and strategies of implementation

ML Owoc, A Sawicka, P Weichbroth - IFIP International Workshop on …, 2019 - Springer
Since the education sector is associated with highly dynamic business environments which
are controlled and maintained by information systems, recent technological advancements …

Competition and diversity in higher education: an empirical approach to specialization patterns of Portuguese institutions

PN Teixeira, V Rocha, R Biscaia, MF Cardoso - Higher education, 2012 - Springer
The expansion of higher education systems has often been associated with the need for
increasing diversification, namely at the program level, based on the pressures to adapt …

[PDF][PDF] Students as customers

R Cuthbert - Higher Education Review, 2010 - researchgate.net
The idea that students might be treated as customers triggers academics' antipathy, which in
turn can lead to managerial irritation and political frustration. There are different discourses …

[PDF][PDF] Gobernanza del capitalismo académico: aproximaciones desde Chile

JJ Brunner, F Ganga-Contreras… - Revista Venezolana de …, 2018 - redalyc.org
Este artículo tiene como propósito describir las características singulares que presenta el
capitalismo académico en el sistema de educación superior chileno. Para este efecto se …

Financing public universities in Ghana through strategic agility: Lessons from Ghana institute of management and public administration (GIMPA)

PE Bondzi–Simpson, KS Agomor - Global Journal of Flexible Systems …, 2021 - Springer
In the turbulent environment in which organizations operate, strategic flexibility is crucial for
building the capacities of universities to withstand turbulence, remains more competitive …

El sistema de educación superior en Chile: un enfoque de economía política comparada

JJ Brunner - Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior …, 2008 - SciELO Brasil
El autor muestra cómo, en términos de acceso, estudiantes graduados e impacto en la
población adulta, los logros de la ES chilena son similares a otros países de ingresos …

The effect of academic mobility on research performance: The case of Italy

G Abramo, CA D'Angelo, F Di Costa - Quantitative Science Studies, 2022 - direct.mit.edu
This work investigates the effects of researchers' mobility on their research performance. The
reference context is that of national intrasector mobility, in a country, Italy, characterized by a …

Perceptions of student price-responsiveness: A behavioural economics exploration of the relationships between socio-economic status, perceptions of financial …

JJH Vossensteyn - 2005 - research.utwente.nl
Studenten die hoge collegegelden moeten betalen hebben wel leenaversie, maar dit
weerhoudt hen er niet van om te gaan studeren of te lenen. In zijn proefschrift Perceptions of …

Open access, megajournals, and MOOCs: on the political economy of academic unbundling

R Wellen - Sage Open, 2013 - journals.sagepub.com
The development of “open” academic content has been strongly embraced and promoted by
many advocates, analysts, stakeholders, and reformers in the sector of higher education and …