Aggregating user web browsing data

MJ Kapczynski, MJ Dean - US Patent 9,654,541, 2017 - Google Patents
4,891,503 4,977,595 4,982,346 4,989,141 5,126,936 5,148,365 5,201,010 5,220,501
5,262,941 5,274,547 5,283,731 5,305,195 5,336,870 5,383,113 5,404,518 5,459,306 …

Massive scale heterogeneous data ingestion and user resolution

A Rege, PK Sahay, M Lally, S Kumar… - US Patent 11,227,001, 2022 - Google Patents
This disclosure relates to data association, attribution, anno tation, and interpretation
systems and related methods of efficiently organizing heterogeneous data at a massive …

Nested, hierarchical resource allocation schema for management and control of an electric power grid

DP Chassin, RG Pratt - US Patent 9,425,620, 2016 - Google Patents
Disclosed herein are representative embodiments of meth ods, apparatus, and systems for
distributing a resource (Such as electricity) using a resource allocation system. In one …

Card management system and method

S Kasower - US Patent 8,781,953, 2014 - Google Patents
5,881,131 A 3, 1999 Farris et al. 7,542,993 B2 6/2009 Satterfield 5,903,830 A 5, 1999 Joao
et al. 7,548,886 B2 6/2009 Kirkland et al. 5,903,881 A 5, 1999 Schrader et al. 7,552,089 B2 …

Systems and methods for providing anonymized user profile data

B Stack, A Lientz, S Chamberlain, Y Abdous… - US Patent …, 2014 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT Related US Application Data Embodiments facilitate confidential and
secure sharing of (60) Provisional application No. 61/177,205, filed on May anonymous user …

Systems and methods for data verification

E Haller, M Hirn, C Dichiara - US Patent 9,147,042, 2015 - Google Patents
5,621,201 5,629,982 5,630,070 5,640,551 5,640,577 5,644,778 5,649,114 5,655,129
5,659,725 5,659,731 5,666,528 5,692,107 5,696,907 5,699,527 5,704,044 5,715,314 …

System and method for providing a score for a used vehicle

E Hirtenstein, D Nemtuda - US Patent 10,380,654, 2019 - Google Patents
One embodiment of the system and method described herein provides a score generator
system that generates an automated vehicle specific valuation of a used car based on the …

Using one-way communications in a market-based resource allocation system

DP Chassin, RG Pratt - US Patent 8,788,415, 2014 - Google Patents

Profile data management

MJ Kapczynski, MJ Dean - US Patent 8,972,400, 2015 - Google Patents
6,038,551 A 3, 2000 Barlow et al. 7,814,005 B2 10/2010 Imrey et al. 6,070,147 A 5, 2000
Harms et al. 7,818,228 B1 10/2010 Coulter 6,073,140 A 6/2000 Morgan et al. 7.841, 004 B1 …

Debt services candidate locator

MJ Dean, MJ Kapczynski - US Patent 8,738,516, 2014 - Google Patents
Methods and systems are disclosed that identify and locate debt settlement candidates
based on credit data associated with the consumer. For example, candidacy may be based …