Foreign buyer taxes and housing affordability

A Pavlov, T Somerville, J Wetzel - Real Estate Economics, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
To improve housing affordability jurisdictions in different countries has introduced taxes on
nonresident home buyers. We use the foreign buyer tax introduced in British Columbia …

Welfare effects of housing transaction taxes: A quantitative analysis with an assignment model

N Määttänen, M Terviö - The Economic Journal, 2022 -
We evaluate the welfare cost of housing transaction taxes with a new assignment model-
based framework, where welfare effects are driven by distortions in the matching of houses …

Housing taxation in the Nordics: efficiency and equity

NI Määttänen - Nordic Economic Policy Review, 2021 -
In many countries, owner-occupied housing enjoys a tax-favoured status relative to rental
housing and many other forms of wealth. I first use simple examples to illustrate why the tax …

[HTML][HTML] Comment on MA Bergman and S. Nyberg: Housing prices, construction costs and competition in the construction sector–a Swedish perspective

H Lind - Peter Englund and Harry Flam: Housing markets and …, 2021 -
Housing expenditures make up a large share of total household consumption and many
households have most of their wealth in the form of housing. Housing choices also influence …

[PDF][PDF] Finnish first-time homebuyer's transfer tax exemption: Evidence on the effects of transfer taxes

E Silvennoinen - Pro-gradu tutkielma, Valtiotieteellinen tiedekunta …, 2021 -
Many countries levy taxes on real estate transactions usually by either stamp duty or (real
estate) transfer taxation, although it is widely regarded as an inefficient way of collecting …

Property transfer taxes, residential mobility, and welfare

DJ Schmidt - 2022 -
In this paper, I develop an overlapping generations model to analyze the effects of property
transfer taxes on homeownership, residential mobility, and welfare in the Netherlands. A …

Varainsiirtoveron vaikutus kotitalouksien liikkuvuuteen

V Välkky - 2022 -
Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, onko varainsiirtoverolla vaikutusta
kotitalouksien liikkuvuuteen ja työmarkkinoiden tehokkuuteen. Teoreettinen viitekehys …

The search and matching process in the housing market: The interaction between the rental and selling prices

G Lisi - Journal of European Real Estate Research, 2019 -
Purpose This paper aims to study the relationship between the rental and selling prices, a
very important topic that forms the fundamentals of real estate markets. Design/methodology …