Proteins in art, archaeology, and paleontology: from detection to identification

S Dallongeville, N Garnier, C Rolando… - Chemical …, 2016 - ACS Publications
Paleontology, archeology, and art history provide crucial information for the understanding
of human evolution throughout ages and its habits. Past animal and plant species are also …

Novel analytical methods for characterising binding media and protective coatings in artworks

MT Domenech-Carbo - Analytica Chimica Acta, 2008 - Elsevier
Since the first reported analytical studies and technical examinations of art and
archaeological objects conducted in the late 18th century, analytical techniques and …

Combined GC/MS analytical procedure for the characterization of glycerolipid, waxy, resinous, and proteinaceous materials in a unique paint microsample

A Andreotti, I Bonaduce, MP Colombini… - Analytical …, 2006 - ACS Publications
A novel GC/MS analytical procedure for the identification of lipids, waxes, proteins, and
resinous materials in the same microsample from painted works of art has been optimized. It …

Characterisation of proteinaceous binders and drying oils in wall painting samples by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry

MP Colombini, F Modugno, M Giacomelli… - … of Chromatography A, 1999 - Elsevier
A reliable analytical procedure has been developed for the characterisation of drying oils
and proteinaceous binders in samples of painted artworks. The method is based on …

Identification of proteins in renaissance paintings by proteomics

C Tokarski, E Martin, C Rolando… - Analytical …, 2006 - ACS Publications
The presented work proposes a new methodology based on proteomics techniques to
identify proteins in old art paintings. The main challenging tasks of this work were (i) to find …

Potential biomarkers for southern African hunter-gatherer arrow poisons applied to ethno-historical and archaeological samples

S Isaksson, A Högberg, M Lombard, J Bradfield - Scientific reports, 2023 -
The detection of complex poison recipes applied to ancient hunting weapons has the
potential to provide important insights into traditional pharmacological knowledge systems …

Characterisation of proteinaceous binders in artistic paintings by chromatographic techniques

MP Colombini, F Modugno - Journal of Separation Science, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
This review discusses the application of chromatographic techniques (GC, HPLC and Py‐
GC) for the characterisation of proteinaceous materials in artistic paintings. The focus is on …

GC-MS characterization of proteinaceous and lipid binders in UV aged polychrome artifacts

MP Colombini, F Modugno, E Menicagli, R Fuoco… - Microchemical …, 2000 - Elsevier
This paper presents the most significant results obtained from the characterization of protein
and lipid binders in a broad range of reference paint materials prepared and stored at …

Characterization of waxes in the Roman wall paintings of the Herculaneum Site (Italy)

L Bergamonti, M Cirlini, C Graiff, PP Lottici, G Palla… - Applied Sciences, 2022 -
Featured Application The results derived from this research paper contribute to the body of
knowledge available for Vesuvian painting techniques and materials and are considered …

Classification and identification of organic binding media in artworks by means of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and principal component analysis

A Sarmiento, M Pérez-Alonso, M Olivares… - Analytical and …, 2011 - Springer
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy is a powerful analytical technique to study organic
materials. However, in Cultural Heritage, since the sample under analysis is always a …