[HTML][HTML] Damping performance of particle dampers with different granular materials and their mixtures

BB Prasad, F Duvigneau, D Juhre, E Woschke - Applied Acoustics, 2022 - Elsevier
A particle damper is a passive vibration control technology that utilizes the high damping
properties of granular materials for reducing the vibration amplitude of a structure over a …

Design of an active damping system for vibration control of wind turbine towers

H Bai, Y Aoues, JM Cherfils, D Lemosse - Infrastructures, 2021 - mdpi.com
The vibration of wind turbine towers is relevant to the reliability of the wind turbine structure
and the quality of power production. It produces both ultimate loads and fatigue loads …

Application of particle dampers on a scaled wind turbine generator to improve low-frequency vibro-acoustic behavior

BB Prasad, F Duvigneau, D Juhre, E Woschke - Applied Sciences, 2022 - mdpi.com
The purpose of this paper is to introduce a honeycomb damping plate (HCDP) concept
based on the particle damping technique to reduce the low-frequency vibration response of …

Experimental study of particle dampers applied to wind turbine blades to reduce low-frequency sound emission

BB Prasad, F Duvigneau, D Juhre… - INTER-NOISE and …, 2021 - ingentaconnect.com
Sound emission from an onshore wind turbine is one of the significant hurdles to use wind
energy to its full potential. The vibration caused by the generator is transmitted to the blades …

Pitch-Based Wind Turbine Tower Vibration Damping Optimized by Simulated Annealing

M Serrano, JE Sierra-Garcia, M Santos… - … Workshop on Soft …, 2022 - Springer
In this work we present a control architecture to reduce the vibration of the tower of a wind
turbine (WT) using the pitch angle. The parameters of the active tower damping (ATD) …

[PDF][PDF] Design of an Active Damping System for Vibration Control of Wind Turbine Towers. Infrastructures 2021, 6, 162

H Bai, Y Aoues, JM Cherfils, D Lemosse - 2021 - academia.edu
The vibration of wind turbine towers is relevant to the reliability of the wind turbine structure
and the quality of power production. It produces both ultimate loads and fatigue loads …

[PDF][PDF] Einsatz granularer Materialien zur passiven Schwingungsreduktion eines Generators einer Windenergieanlage

BB Prasad, F Duvigneau, E Woschke, D Juhre - pub.dega-akustik.de
Die Schallemissionen einer Windkraftanlage stellen eines der Haupthindernisse für den
weiteren Ausbau von Onshore-Windenergieanlagen dar. Eine mögliche Ursache der …