The law of cyber-attack

OA Hathaway, R Crootof, P Levitz, H Nix - Calif. L. Rev., 2012 - HeinOnline
In 2010, Iran's nuclear program ground to a halt, the subject of a sophisticated attack that
sent centrifuges spinning wildly out of control. The weapon? Stuxnet, a computer" worm" that …

[图书][B] Extraterritorial application of human rights treaties: law, principles, and policy

M Milanovic - 2011 -
Questions as to when a state owes obligations under a human rights treaty towards an
individual located outside its territory are being brought more and more frequently before …

On the use and abuse of necessity in the law of state responsibility

RD Sloane - American Journal of International Law, 2012 -
Necessity, necessità, is Machiavelli's guiding principle... that infringing the moral law is
justified when it is necessary. Thus is inaugurated the dualism of modern political culture …

Human rights, emergencies, and the rule of law

EJ Criddle, E Fox-Decent - Human Rights Quarterly, 2012 -
This article illuminates the normative basis for international law's regulation of public
emergencies by arguing that human rights are best conceived as norms arising from a …

[图书][B] Proportionality in international law

M Newton, L May - 2014 -
Proportionality is intimately linked to the overarching concepts of self-defense, lawful force,
and the controlled application of violence. It is one of the most visible facets of humanitarian …

[图书][B] America's War on terror: The State of the 9/11 Exception from Bush to Obama

J Ralph - 2013 -
The US response to 9/11 was exceptional. The'war on terror'went against the norm in the
sense of being unusual and it challenged certain international norms as articulated in …

[图书][B] Proportionality in International Humanitarian Law: Consequences, Precautions, and Procedures

A Cohen, D Zlotogorski - 2021 -
" There are few concepts in international law that captivate the mind and cause bitter
debates as much as the application of the principle of proportionality in contemporary armed …

Targeting and the Concept of Intent

JD Ohlin - Mich. J. Int'l L., 2013 - HeinOnline
International law generally prohibits military forces from intentionally targeting civilians; this
is the principle of distinction. In contrast, unintended collateral damage is permissible unless …

[图书][B] Targeted killings: Law and morality in an asymmetrical world

C Finkelstein, JD Ohlin, A Altman - 2012 -
The war on terror is remaking conventional warfare. The protracted battle against a non-
state organization, the demise of the confinement of hostilities to an identifiable battlefield …

On a Different Law of War

G Blum - Harv. Int'l LJ, 2011 - HeinOnline
Rather than offering a definitive answer, the inquiry illuminates the types of judgments and
predictions that one must hold in order to have a position on the desirability of CDRs in …