Mind-sets matter: a meta-analytic review of implicit theories and self-regulation.
This review builds on self-control theory (Carver & Scheier, 1998) to develop a theoretical
framework for investigating associations of implicit theories with self-regulation. This …
framework for investigating associations of implicit theories with self-regulation. This …
Mindsets and human nature: promoting change in the Middle East, the schoolyard, the racial divide, and willpower.
CS Dweck - American psychologist, 2012 - psycnet.apa.org
Debates about human nature often revolve around what is built in. However, the hallmark of
human nature is how much of a person's identity is not built in; rather, it is humans' great …
human nature is how much of a person's identity is not built in; rather, it is humans' great …
Online dating: A critical analysis from the perspective of psychological science
Online dating sites frequently claim that they have fundamentally altered the dating
landscape for the better. This article employs psychological science to examine (a) whether …
landscape for the better. This article employs psychological science to examine (a) whether …
The road to forgiveness: a meta-analytic synthesis of its situational and dispositional correlates.
R Fehr, MJ Gelfand, M Nag - Psychological bulletin, 2010 - psycnet.apa.org
Abstract [Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 137 (2) of
Psychological Bulletin (see record 2011-03899-006). In Table 2, weighted population …
Psychological Bulletin (see record 2011-03899-006). In Table 2, weighted population …
The far-reaching effects of believing people can change: implicit theories of personality shape stress, health, and achievement during adolescence.
The belief that personality is fixed (an entity theory of personality) can give rise to negative
reactions to social adversities. Three studies showed that when social adversity is common …
reactions to social adversities. Three studies showed that when social adversity is common …
Communal motivation and well-being in interpersonal relationships: An integrative review and meta-analysis.
The motivation to care for the welfare of others, or communal motivation, is a crucial
component of satisfying interpersonal relationships and personal well-being. The current …
component of satisfying interpersonal relationships and personal well-being. The current …
What makes lessons interesting? The role of situational and individual factors in three school subjects.
The present study investigated intraindividual variation in students' interest experience in 3
school subjects and the predictive power of perceived autonomy support and control …
school subjects and the predictive power of perceived autonomy support and control …
Ghosting and destiny: Implicit theories of relationships predict beliefs about ghosting
Two studies examined how implicit theories of relationships are associated with ghosting (ie,
ending a relationship by cutting off all contact). Previous research on implicit theories of …
ending a relationship by cutting off all contact). Previous research on implicit theories of …
Implicit theories
CS Dweck - Handbook of theories of social psychology, 2011 - torrossa.com
My enduring interest has been in the implicit theories, or basic beliefs, that people use to
understand their world and to guide their behavior. In my research, I have found that one …
understand their world and to guide their behavior. In my research, I have found that one …
Insecure attachment and depressive symptoms: The mediating role of rumination, empathy, and forgiveness
The authors investigated the associations between attachment, empathy, rumination,
forgiveness, and depressive symptoms via the framework of attachment theory. Participants …
forgiveness, and depressive symptoms via the framework of attachment theory. Participants …