The Portuguese version of the European deprivation index: an instrument to study health inequalities
AI Ribeiro, A Mayer, HP Miranda, MF De Pina - 2017 -
Introduction: Tackling socioeconomic health inequalities is a big public health challenge and
ecological deprivation indexes are essential instruments to monitor and understand them. In …
ecological deprivation indexes are essential instruments to monitor and understand them. In …
[PDF][PDF] Impact of preventing pregnancy methods and their relationships with the level of growth fitness body health housewife case women newlyweds
Z Mohammed - American Journal of Sports Science and …, 2015 -
Our aims for this study interest on the Preventing Pregnancy Methods based on the pills
contraceptive or the calculus of cycle of ovum women. From that, our aims upon the effect of …
contraceptive or the calculus of cycle of ovum women. From that, our aims upon the effect of …
[PDF][PDF] Which causal relationship established the effect of the control technique contraceptives on weight gain case housewives newlyweds
Z Mohammed - J of Hum &, 2016 -
Our objective in this modest study interest focus on the adverse effects of the contraceptive
control technique, where the exposure to the topic leads to divergent views in the judgments …
control technique, where the exposure to the topic leads to divergent views in the judgments …
Modelação espacial dos desertos de farmácias comunitárias em Portugal continental
BMZC Martins - 2022 -
A saúde é das condições mais importantes na vida de todos, no entanto a saúde e o bem-
estar não se traduz numa ida ao médico ou na realização de um exame, é também poder …
estar não se traduz numa ida ao médico ou na realização de um exame, é também poder …
[PDF][PDF] Housewives Life Daily Tasks Style and their Impact to Prevent Body Weight Gain Associated with Birth Control pillsSide effects
The contraceptive control pill is a hormone-based method of preventing pregnancy (1, 2, 3).
Confirmed by several studies via their side effect to increase the weight gain (2). However, a …
Confirmed by several studies via their side effect to increase the weight gain (2). However, a …
[PDF][PDF] The Portuguese Version of the European Deprivation Index: An Instrument to Study Health Inequalities A versão Portuguesa do European Deprivation Index …
Introdução: Combater as desigualdades socioeconómicas em saúde é um grande desafio
em saúde pública e os indicadores ecológicos de privação socioeconómica são essenciais …
em saúde pública e os indicadores ecológicos de privação socioeconómica são essenciais …