The extraordinary phases of liquid He

DM Lee - Reviews of Modern Physics, 1997 - APS
Modern low-temperature physics began with the liquefaction of helium by Kamerlingh
Onnes (1908) and the discovery of superconductivity (Kamerlingh Onnes, 1911) at the …

Making, probing and understanding ultracold Fermi gases

W Ketterle, MW Zwierlein - La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento, 2008 - Springer
This paper summarizes the experimental frontier of ultracold fermionic gases. It is based on
three lectures which one of the authors gave at the Varenna Summer School describing the …

Anderson's considerations on the flow of superfluid helium: Some offshoots

E Varoquaux - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2015 - APS
Nearly five decades have elapsed since the seminal 1966 paper of PW Anderson on the
flow of superfluid helium, He 4 at that time. Some of his “considerations”—the role of the …

[图书][B] Dynamics of quantised vortices in superfluids

EB Sonin - 2016 -
A comprehensive overview of the basic principles of vortex dynamics in superfluids, this
book addresses the problems of vortex dynamics in all three superfluids available in …

[图书][B] Tieftemperaturphysik

C Enss, S Hunklinger - 2011 -
Das Buch bietet eine kompakte Zusammenstellung der wichtigsten Phänomene in der
Tieftemperaturphysik, die sowohl Studenten (mit dieser Vertiefungsrichtung im …

Principles of superfluid-helium gyroscopes

RE Packard, S Vitale - Physical Review B, 1992 - APS
In this paper we describe how quantum coherence of superfluid helium provides a
mechanism by which very small rotations can substantially modify the flow in a toroidal …

The role of the Josephson-Anderson equation in superfluid helium

RE Packard - Reviews of Modern Physics, 1998 - APS
This article explains how a simple equation describing the time evolution of a superfluid's
quantum phase can be used as a powerful tool to rapidly deduce exact magnitudes of …

Dimensional analysis as the other language of physics

RW Robinett - American Journal of Physics, 2015 -
We review the use of dimensional analysis as a tool for the systematic study and analysis of
physical concepts and phenomena at multiple levels in the physics curriculum. After …

How trapped particles interact with and sample superfluid vortex excitations

U Giuriato, G Krstulovic, S Nazarenko - Physical Review Research, 2020 - APS
Particles have been used for more than a decade to visualize and study the dynamics of
quantum vortices in superfluid helium. In this work we study how the dynamics of a collection …

Precession of a single vortex line in superfluid

RJ Zieve, Y Mukharsky, JD Close, JC Davis… - Physical review …, 1992 - APS
This paper reports the discovery of a new vortex phenomenon in superfluid B 3. A single
filament of quantized vortex line precesses as a solid body around a wire extending along …