Workplace friendship is a blessing in the exploration of supervisor behavioral integrity, affective commitment, and employee proactive behavior–An empirical research …

L Guohao, S Pervaiz, H Qi - Psychology Research and Behavior …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Purpose Workplace friendships are typically complicated, serving various goals, imposing
varying levels of expectation on the members, and representing the interaction among …

[HTML][HTML] The effects of organizational politics on perceived organizational justice and intention to leave

N Kaya, S Aydin, O Ayhan - American Journal of industrial and business …, 2016 -
The purpose of this study is to examine the perceptions about organizational politics held by
members of different organizations and how these affect their perceptions of organizational …

Islamic Work Ethic and Organizational Justice Implementation in Reaching Accountant's Job Satisfaction

I Tubagus - Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies …, 2018 -
The topic of business ethics from Islamic perspective has become important for business
currently. This paper investigates the influence of Islamic work ethics on organizational …

Organizational justice and employees' intention to stay: the mediating role of job satisfaction

E Knezović, I Neimarlija - Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for …, 2022 -
Purpose This study investigates the relationships between the four dimensions of
organizational justice (OJ)(distributive, procedural, interpersonal, and informational) and …

Impact of organizational justice on turnover intentions: moderating role of job embeddedness

S Arif - SEISENSE Journal of Management, 2018 -
It is evident from the past research that employees who perceive the organizational policies
as not just, the employees tend to leave the organizations and start their professional career …

The Impact of Family Supportive Supervisor Behavior on Employees' Proactive Behavior: A Cognitive and Affective Integration Perspective

C Fan, C Ye, L Zhang, Y Gong - Sustainability, 2023 -
With the increasing complexity of the external organizational environment, employees'
proactive behavior has become a critical factor for organizational success. However, there is …

Peningkatan Psychological Capital Melalui Program" I’ m Superhero In The Workplace" dalam Rangka Optimalisasi Perilaku Kerja Inovatif

NA Sasmita, MD Mustika - Jurnal Diversita, 2019 -
Era industri 4.0 telah mengubah cara orang hidup dan bekerja, sehingga organisasi perlu
melakukan inovasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara perilaku kerja …

[图书][B] Conditional Process Pada Manajemen SDM: Perspektif Polychronicity, Kepuasan Kerja, Engagement Karyawan, Lingkungan Kerja, dan Turnover Intention

R Andriani, E Ahman, B Santoso - 2020 -
Pertumbuhan hotel di Indonesia sebagai salah satu hospitality industry begitu pesat, namun
tidak seimbang dengan kesiapan sumber daya manusia (SDM). Industri perhotelan memiliki …

The mediating effect of organizational commitment and job satisfaction in the relationship between workplace incivility and turnover intention

C Güzel - 2019 -
This study aims to investigate the mediation effects of organizational commitment with its all
components and job satisfaction on the relationship between workplace incivility and …