Customer engagement in social media: a framework and meta-analysis

F de Oliveira Santini, WJ Ladeira, DC Pinto… - Journal of the Academy …, 2020 - Springer
This research examines customer engagement in social media (CESM) using a meta-
analytic model of 814 effect sizes across 97 studies involving 161,059 respondents …

When public relations meets social media: A systematic review of social media related public relations research from 2006 to 2020

Y Wang, Y Cheng, J Sun - Public Relations Review, 2021 - Elsevier
This study examines the patterns and trends of social media-related public relations
research published in 14 journals from 2006 to 2020. It analyzes the theoretical trends (ie …

[图书][B] Social media communication: Concepts, practices, data, law and ethics

JH Lipschultz - 2023 -
This updated fourth edition presents a wide-scale, interdisciplinary guide to social media
communication. Examining platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, Twitter …

The employee experience: How employees make meaning of employee engagement

LL Lemon - Journal of Public Relations Research, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
This study sought to understand the lived experiences of employees by taking a co-
creational approach to examine how employees make meaning of employee engagement …

Hallmarks and potential pitfalls of customer‐and consumer engagement scales: A systematic review

LD Hollebeek, M Sarstedt, C Menidjel… - Psychology & …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Multiple scales measuring a customer's, or consumer's, engagement (CE) with a brand or
specific brand elements (eg, advertising/social media content) have been proposed in the …

The influence of fashion blogger credibility, engagement and homophily on intentions to buy and e-WOM. Results of a binational study

G Mainolfi, DT Vergura - … of Fashion Marketing and Management: An …, 2022 -
Purpose The study aims to contribute to the knowledge on the role of the fashion bloggers in
the product adoption process in both advanced and emerging markets. Specifically, the …

Engaged at work? An employee engagement model in public relations

H Shen, H Jiang - Journal of Public Relations Research, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Engagement has emerged as an important concept in public relations scholarship. Yet a
theoretically informed model with a clear and coherent explication of the construct is still …

Not just food: Exploring the influence of food blog engagement on intention to taste and to visit

G Mainolfi, V Marino, R Resciniti - British Food Journal, 2022 -
Purpose The present study investigates the impact of perceived enjoyment, blogger
credibility and homophily on readers' engagement. Moreover, the study investigates the role …

The association spillover mechanism of CSR crises: evidence from the Uber case

ZF Chen, W Tao - Journal of public relations research, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Drawing on insights from the corporate ability (CA) and corporate social responsibility (CSR)
associations framework, the associative network theory (ANT) of memory, and crisis …

Tweeting# Leaders: Social media communication and retweetability of fortune 1000 chief executive officers on Twitter

LV Huang, TED Yeo - Internet Research, 2018 -
Purpose To better understand executive communication on social media, the purpose of this
paper is to examine the pattern of messages posted by chief executive officers (CEOs) on …