Recent advances in understanding migration systems of New World land birds
Our understanding of migratory birds' year‐round ecology and evolution remains patchy
despite recent fundamental advances. Periodic reviews focus future research and inform …
despite recent fundamental advances. Periodic reviews focus future research and inform …
Patterns and processes in shorebird survival rates: a global review
Changes in demographic rates underpin changes in population size, and understanding
demographic rates can greatly aid the design and development of strategies to maintain …
demographic rates can greatly aid the design and development of strategies to maintain …
Nesting density and reproductive success of piping plovers in response to storm‐and human‐created habitat changes
The threatened population of Atlantic Coast piping plovers (Charadrius melodus) has
increased under intensive management of predation and disturbance. However, the relative …
increased under intensive management of predation and disturbance. However, the relative …
Impacts of anthropogenic disturbance on body condition, survival, and site fidelity of nonbreeding Piping Plovers
The impact of habitat loss on shorebirds may be exacerbated by disturbance from human
recreational use, which further reduces the amount of coastal habitat that is functionally …
recreational use, which further reduces the amount of coastal habitat that is functionally …
Demographic responses of Piping Plovers to habitat creation on the Missouri River
The piping plover (Charadrius melodus) was listed under the United States Endangered
Species Act (ESA) because of habitat loss and excessive predation. The Missouri River …
Species Act (ESA) because of habitat loss and excessive predation. The Missouri River …
To exclose nests or not: structured decision making for the conservation of a threatened species
Decisions regarding endangered species recovery often face sparse data and multiple
sources of uncertainty about the effects of management. Structured decision making (SDM) …
sources of uncertainty about the effects of management. Structured decision making (SDM) …
Hurricane Sandy and engineered response created habitat for a threatened shorebird
Abstract The intensity of Atlantic Ocean hurricanes is predicted to increase, and although
disturbance is recognized as a fundamental driver of ecological processes, the benefits of …
disturbance is recognized as a fundamental driver of ecological processes, the benefits of …
Impacts of extreme environmental disturbances on piping plover survival are partially moderated by migratory connectivity
Effective conservation for listed migratory species requires an understanding of how drivers
of population decline vary spatially and temporally, as well as knowledge of range-wide …
of population decline vary spatially and temporally, as well as knowledge of range-wide …
Optimizing conservation benefits for threatened beach fauna following severe natural disturbances
Wildlife on sandy beaches is often constrained by transformation of natural areas for human
use, and opportunities for acquiring or restoring new habitat are rare. Storms can often force …
use, and opportunities for acquiring or restoring new habitat are rare. Storms can often force …
Apparent Nest Abandonment as Evidence of Breeding-Season Mortality in Great Lakes Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus)
Abandonment was the most frequent cause of nesting failure in Great Lakes Piping Plovers
(Charadrius melodus) during 1993–2007, and observations of color-banded adults …
(Charadrius melodus) during 1993–2007, and observations of color-banded adults …