[PDF][PDF] Dampak Kondisi Karang Terhadap Struktur Komunitas Megabentos yang Berasosiasi dengan Terumbu Karang Kepulauan Spermonde

KPB Tatipata, S Mashoreng - Jurnal TORANI JFMarcSci, 2019 - academia.edu
Terumbu karang (coral reefs) merupakan organisme yang hidup di dasar perairan dan
berupa bentukan batuan kapur (CaCO3) yang cukup kuat menahan gelombang laut …

Hubungan Persentase Tutupan Karang Hidup dengan Kelimpahan Ikan Indikator Chaetodontidae di Perairan Pengudang, Kabupaten Bintan

D Adrian, D Kurniawan, RD Putra - Jurnal Akuatiklestari, 2020 - ojs.umrah.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi persentase terumbu karang hidup dan
kelimpahan ikan indikator Chaetodontidae beserta hubungannya. Pengambilan data …

Correlation Between Existence of Reef Sharks with Abundance of Reef Fishes in South Waters of Morotai Island (North Moluccas)

DA Mukharror, IT Baiti, M Ichsan… - … Series: Earth and …, 2017 - iopscience.iop.org
Despite increasing academic research citation on biology, abundance, and the behavior of
the blacktip reef sharks, the influence of reef fish population on the density of reef sharks …

Komposisi dan Struktur Komunitas Ikan Kepe-Kepe (Famili Chaetodontidae) di Perairan Pantai Taman Nirwana, Kota Padang

S Frimanozi, IJ Zakaria - Jurnal Biologi UNAND, 2014 - jbioua.fmipa.unand.ac.id
A study on the community of butterfly fish (Chaetodontidae) has been conducted from April
to June 2013 in two locations of coral reefs at Taman Nirwana coastal area, Padang, namely …


AGT Nugroho, WA Nugraha - Juvenil: Jurnal Ilmiah Kelautan …, 2021 - journal.trunojoyo.ac.id
Terumbu karang merupakan satu diantara beberapa potensi yang ada di Pulau Gilingan.
Pulau Gilingan merupakan pulau yang terletak di Kabupaten Sumenep yang termasuk …

Overview of Indicator Coral Fish in Poncan Islands, Sibolga, North Sumatra

N Pratama, J Samiaji, T Thamrin - Journal of Coastal and Ocean … - jocos.ejournal.unri.ac.id
This study aims to determine the effect of coral reef conditions on the abundance of coral
reef fish indicators of the Chaetodontidae family and to be compared descriptively. This …

The impact of coral conditions on the structure of the megabenthos community associated with the coral reefs of the Spermonde Islands

KPB Tatipata, S Mashoreng - Torani Journal of Fisheries and …, 2019 - journal.unhas.ac.id
Coral reefs are organisms that live on the bottom of the waters and are in the form of
limestone (CaCO3) which is strong against sea waves so that it can prevent coastal erosion …