Elite milieus and centres in western Norway 200-550 AD

H Reiersen - 2017 - bora.uib.no
This thesis examines how elite milieus organised their centres c. 200–550 AD in the
counties of Hordaland and Rogaland, western Norway. Here, the archaeological material …

The coins in the grave of King Childeric

S Fischer, L Lind - Journal of Archaeology and Ancient History (JAAH …, 2015 - diva-portal.org
This article contextualizes some one hundred mid-to late 5th century solidi and two hundred
silver coins found in the grave of King Childeric in Tournai, Belgium. We argue that the coins …

Viking Age society, its realms and the importance of iron: reflections on the historical background and emerging networks

T Zachrisson - 2020 - diva-portal.org
For more than 2 500 years iron and steel have shaped our society. The production and
consumption of iron and steel have been–and still are–a central factor configuring and also …

[PDF][PDF] Barbaric solidi and connections over the Baltic Sea in the Migration Period

A Bursche, A Zapolska - Materiały Zachodniopomorskie, 2021 - bibliotekanauki.pl
The contribution deals with the imitative solidi, which were produced in the second half of
the 5th century on Gotland and found in today's Poland. Their distribution on Gotland …

[PDF][PDF] The solidus hoard of Casa delle Vestali in context

S Fischer - Opuscula, Annual of the Swedish Institutes at Athens …, 2014 - ecsi.se
In this paper, I discuss the context of a Late Roman solidus hoard found in the Casa delle
Vestali on the Forum Romanum in Rome. The hoard consists of 397 solidi, Late Roman gold …

The martial function of the central places

T Zachrisson - Vikings Across Boundaries, 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
What was the role of central places in Viking-Age Scandinavia? This chapter discusses this
question by examining the central places in a historical perspective. They often have a …

[PDF][PDF] Tracking Solidi–From Thessalonica to Hjärpestad

S Fischer - 2014 - diva-portal.org
Mediterranean and Near Eastern Civilizations 35, Uppsala 2014. 533 pp., with 231 ills.,
ISBN 978-91-554-8831-4 This volume contains studies on Classical Antiquity presented to …

Small Masks on Migration Period jewellery.: Replication traditions of Germanic, Roman, Etruscan, and Greek goldsmiths.

BL Tóth - The Journal of Archaeology and Ancient History, 2016 - journals.uu.se
The three Swedish gold collars are unique goldsmith masterpieces of the Migration Age,
owing to the great number of small beings that inhabit them: animals, humans and hybrids …

Solidimynt på Öland och Gotland: En studie av aktörnätverk utifrån prägling och stämpelidentitet

T Luckman - 2022 - diva-portal.org
I denna uppsats vill jag med utgångspunkt i solidimyntens stämpelidentitet och präglingen
på mynten, ta reda på under vilka tidsperioder som ölänningar och gotlänningar har …

Vikings Across Boundaries

HL Aannestad, U Pedersen, M Moen, E Naumann… - api.taylorfrancis.com
Transformations: Trade, Craft and Resources in Western Scandinavia, edited by Zanette T.
Glørstad and Kjetil Loftsgarden, published in 2017”–Preface.| Includes bibliographical …