New sepsis definition (Sepsis-3) and community-acquired pneumonia mortality. A validation and clinical decision-making study

OT Ranzani, E Prina, R Menendez… - American journal of …, 2017 -
Rationale: The Sepsis-3 Task Force updated the clinical criteria for sepsis, excluding the
need for systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) criteria. The clinical implications …

Correlação de SPO2/FiO2 versus PaO2/FiO2 para monitoração de oxigenação em pacientes com trauma tórax

AMC Venegas Sosa, JA Cortés Munguía… - … (Colegio Mexicano de …, 2018 -
Resumen VENEGAS SOSA, Ana María del Carmen; CORTES MUNGUIA, José Alfredo;
FLORES LOPEZ, Eder Natanael y COLIN RODRIGUEZ, Joaquín. Correlação de SPO 2/FiO …

A comparison of acute physiology and chronic health evaluation III and simplified acute physiology score II in predicting sepsis outcome in intensive care unit

P Singh, S Pathak, RM Sharma - Anesthesia Essays and …, 2018 -
Aim: The aim of the study was to compare the predictability of outcome with APACHE III and
SAPS II score in ICU patients of sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock and the 28-day …

[PDF][PDF] Smartphones as a Multimodal Communication Tool for Interprofessional Communication among Optometrists in Ghana

EO Antiri, FA Hammond, CG Armah, T Nimo… - Int J Clin Med Edu …, 2024 -
Purpose: The ascertain the preferred mode (s) of smartphone-based interprofessional
communication, and their perceived effects on clinical outcomes. Method: Through a …

[PDF][PDF] Quels sont les effets du haut débit trachéal chez les patients trachéotomisés: Revue systématique

A Cornant, C Theis, W Poncin, A Latiers -
Introduction: La clairance mucociliaire dans les voies aériennes supérieures est essentielle
pour la santé respiratoire. La trachéotomie peut compromettre cette fonction naturelle en …

Livskvalitet hos patienter som överlevt sepsis: en litteraturöversikt

M Appeltooft, K Rundström - 2019 -
Bakgrund Sepsis är en livshotande dysfunktion i ett eller flera organsystem orsakad av stört
systemiskt svar på infektion. Patienterna som överlevt sepsis upplever ofta övergående eller …