Implications of projected climate change for groundwater recharge in the western United States
Existing studies on the impacts of climate change on groundwater recharge are either global
or basin/location-specific. The global studies lack the specificity to inform decision making …
or basin/location-specific. The global studies lack the specificity to inform decision making …
Groundwater system and climate change: Present status and future considerations
Climate change will impact every aspect of biophysical systems and society. However,
unlike other components of the climate system, the impact of climate change on the …
unlike other components of the climate system, the impact of climate change on the …
Water and life from snow: A trillion dollar science question
Snow provides essential resources/services in the form of water for human use, and climate
regulation in the form of enhanced cooling of the Earth. In addition, it supports a thriving …
regulation in the form of enhanced cooling of the Earth. In addition, it supports a thriving …
Geomorphic and sedimentary effects of modern climate change: current and anticipated future conditions in the western United States
Hydroclimatic changes associated with global warming over the past 50 years have been
documented widely, but physical landscape responses are poorly understood thus far …
documented widely, but physical landscape responses are poorly understood thus far …
Regional climate models: 30 years of dynamical downscaling
Abstract Regional Climate Models (RCMs) emerged 30 years ago as a transient tool to
provide detailed estimates of meteorological parameters (temperature, precipitation …
provide detailed estimates of meteorological parameters (temperature, precipitation …
Estimation of the climate change impact on a catchment water balance using an ensemble of GCMs
This work evaluates the impact of climate change on the water balance of a catchment in
India. Rainfall and hydro-meteorological variables for current (20C3M scenario, 1981–2000) …
India. Rainfall and hydro-meteorological variables for current (20C3M scenario, 1981–2000) …
Fail-safe and safe-to-fail adaptation: decision-making for urban flooding under climate change
As climate change affects precipitation patterns, urban infrastructure may become more
vulnerable to flooding. Flooding mitigation strategies must be developed such that the failure …
vulnerable to flooding. Flooding mitigation strategies must be developed such that the failure …
[HTML][HTML] Understanding uncertainties in future Colorado River streamflow
Understanding Uncertainties in Future Colorado River Streamflow in: Bulletin of the American
Meteorological Society Volume 95 Issue 1 (2014) Jump to Content Logo Logo Logo Logo …
Meteorological Society Volume 95 Issue 1 (2014) Jump to Content Logo Logo Logo Logo …
Impact of climate change on future precipitation amounts, seasonal distribution, and streamflow in the Omo-Gibe basin, Ethiopia
TP Orkodjo, G Kranjac-Berisavijevic, FK Abagale - Heliyon, 2022 -
This study projected the impact of climate change on the amount of precipitation, seasonal
distribution, and streamflow of the Omo-gibe basin, Ethiopia. Projections of climate change …
distribution, and streamflow of the Omo-gibe basin, Ethiopia. Projections of climate change …
North American extreme precipitation events and related large-scale meteorological patterns: a review of statistical methods, dynamics, modeling, and trends
This paper surveys the current state of knowledge regarding large-scale meteorological
patterns (LSMPs) associated with short-duration (less than 1 week) extreme precipitation …
patterns (LSMPs) associated with short-duration (less than 1 week) extreme precipitation …