[图书][B] The shifting and steepening of Phillips curves during the pandemic recovery: International evidence and some theory
T Gudmundsson, C Jackson, MRA Portillo - 2024 - books.google.com
We study the global inflation surge during the pandemic recovery and the implications for
aggregate and sectoral Phillips curves. We provide evidence that Phillips curves shifted up …
aggregate and sectoral Phillips curves. We provide evidence that Phillips curves shifted up …
[PDF][PDF] The Fiscal Effects of Terms-of-Trade-Driven Inflation
G Motyovszki - 2023 - economy-finance.ec.europa.eu
This paper looks at whether the recent sharp spike in inflation can be beneficial for public
debt sustainability by eroding the real value of nominal debt. Simulations with the European …
debt sustainability by eroding the real value of nominal debt. Simulations with the European …
[HTML][HTML] How do adaptive learning expectations rationalize stronger monetary policy response in Brazil?
A Dizioli, H Wang - Latin American Journal of Central Banking, 2024 - Elsevier
This paper estimates a standard Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model
that includes a wage and price Phillips curves with different expectation formation processes …
that includes a wage and price Phillips curves with different expectation formation processes …
The Tale of Two Economies: Inflationary Dynamics in the Euro Area and the US in the Context of Uncertainty
S Collignon - Economies, 2024 - mdpi.com
In recent years, the global economy has been hit by a sequence of severe shocks that
affected the two largest economies, the USA and the Euro Area, severely. Uncertainties …
affected the two largest economies, the USA and the Euro Area, severely. Uncertainties …
[图书][B] Inflation, Monetary Policy and the Sacrifice Ratio: The Case of Southeast Asia
LH Dierks - 2023 - seacen.org
Motivated by the 2022 uptick in headline inflation and the marked shift towards more
restrictive monetary policies globally, this paper examines the sacrifice ratio, ie, the …
restrictive monetary policies globally, this paper examines the sacrifice ratio, ie, the …
[PDF][PDF] Profits, Wages and Inflationary Dynamics in the Euro Area and the US in the Context of Uncertainty
S Collignon - 2023 - lse.ac.uk
A sequence of severe shocks has brought inflation back to Europe and America, but
unemployment is still at record low levels. Is higher unemployment required to bring inflation …
unemployment is still at record low levels. Is higher unemployment required to bring inflation …
[PDF][PDF] Varieties of Ideology. Reassessing Europe's Open Society and Its Enemies in the Euro Area
S Collignon, D Orsitto - 2024 - lse.ac.uk
The coherence of ideological narratives in the Euro Area is a necessary condition for the
sustainability of the monetary union. Narratives shape political preferences and if they …
sustainability of the monetary union. Narratives shape political preferences and if they …