What do data on millions of US workers reveal about lifecycle earnings dynamics?
We study individual male earnings dynamics over the life cycle using panel data on millions
of US workers. Using nonparametric methods, we first show that the distribution of earnings …
of US workers. Using nonparametric methods, we first show that the distribution of earnings …
Decomposition Methods
S Firpo, S Sunao - Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population …, 2023 - Springer
This chapter uses the classic Oaxaca-Blinder (OB) decomposition for the mean as its point of
departure and, then, focuses on the last 15 years of decomposition methods that go beyond …
departure and, then, focuses on the last 15 years of decomposition methods that go beyond …
Labor market fluidity and human capital accumulation
N Engbom - 2022 - nber.org
Using panel data from 23 OECD countries, I document that wages grow more over the life-
cycle in countries where job-to-job mobility is more common. A life-cycle theory of job …
cycle in countries where job-to-job mobility is more common. A life-cycle theory of job …
The alpha beta gamma of the labor market
We access a long panel dataset of US workers to document the extent to which individuals
are heterogeneous with respect to their pattern of transitions across employment states. We …
are heterogeneous with respect to their pattern of transitions across employment states. We …
[PDF][PDF] A theory of wage rigidity and unemployment fluctuations with on-the-job search
M Fukui - Job Market Paper, Massachusetts Institute of …, 2020 - economics.yale.edu
I develop a new theory of wage rigidity and unemployment fluctuations. The starting point of
my analysis is a generalized version of Burdett and Mortensen's (1998) job ladder model …
my analysis is a generalized version of Burdett and Mortensen's (1998) job ladder model …
Heterogeneous scarring effects of full-year nonemployment
Drawing on administrative data from the Social Security Administration, we find that
individuals that go through a long period of non-employment suffer large and long-term …
individuals that go through a long period of non-employment suffer large and long-term …
Firms as learning environments: Implications for earnings dynamics and job search
V Gregory - FRB St. Louis Working Paper, 2020 - papers.ssrn.com
This paper demonstrates that heterogeneity in firms' promotion of human capital
accumulation is an important determinant of life-cycle earnings inequality. I use …
accumulation is an important determinant of life-cycle earnings inequality. I use …
Why are the wealthiest so wealthy? A longitudinal empirical investigation
We use Norwegian administrative panel data on wealth and income between 1993 and
2015 to study lifecycle wealth dynamics, focusing on the wealthiest households. On …
2015 to study lifecycle wealth dynamics, focusing on the wealthiest households. On …
The job ladder and its implications for earnings risk
J Hubmer - Review of Economic Dynamics, 2018 - Elsevier
This paper analyzes the ability of a job ladder framework to explain recent evidence on life-
cycle earnings dynamics. Using administrative data, Guvenen et al.(2015) document several …
cycle earnings dynamics. Using administrative data, Guvenen et al.(2015) document several …